DPT Reports
(237 Total)
(view grouping Tryptamines - Substituted)

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First Times
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Bad Trips
Health Problems
Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Glowing Experiences
Mystical Experiences
Health Benefits
General » » »   more   » » » [99]
Psychoreal (Through the Eye of a Needle) Nuages Gris DPT & Cannabis
Nihilist Mysticism Jikkle DPT
A Fractal Zoom Out InnerExplorer DPT
After the Initial Tsunami Wave Murple BDB, Methylone & DPT
Remember to Laugh tyme DPT
Female Orgasms Mr._Sean DPT
Here and Now Pyrotica DPT
Waking From a Dream Raybeez DPT
Dipropyl Propulsion aphelion DPT
DPT Is Terrifying nameless DPT HCL Salt

First Times » » »   more   » » » [62]
The Expanding Consciousness TryptamineDreamer DPT
Flow/Merge/Liquefy/Crystalize/Conjoin 4science DPT & LSD
Low Dose IM Delirium Alice.S DPT
Alien Waketime abacis DPT
Little Effect but a Nice Day Elegandia DPT
Calming, Visual, Peaceful and Beautiful CCCfunky DPT
The 'Infinite' Trip D DPT
A Distant World Po DPT
Simply Being, No Experience Matty DPT
Many Faces of DPT extemporaneous DPT

Combinations » » »   more   » » » [69]
The Event-Informational Singularity Adaviri DPT & Ketamine
Profoundly Startled PewterG DPT, Methoxetamine & Nitrous Oxide
An Agnostic Meets His Higher Power Victor Borge DMT, DPT, Moclobemide & Nitrous Oxide
Even Deeper J2013B Mushrooms & DPT
Quantum Foam Metasyn 2C-I & DPT
Otherworldly Vacation pharmofile Syrian Rue & DPT
A Serene and Expansive Plateau nowhereman DPT & AMT
Truly Near Death Erica.Smerica DPT, Ketamine, & Nitrous Oxide
Womb of Everlasting Light Catfish Rivers DXM, DPT, DMT, Cannabis & Metaxalone (Skelaxin)
Sacred Laughter and the Unknown Catfish Rivers 4-Acetoxy-DiPT, DPT & Cannabis

Retrospective / Summary » » »   more   » » » [18]
For the Purpose of Bio-Assessment sunfilter DPT
Damn Powerful Tryptamine Morninggloryseed DPT
Obliterating the Head: A Retrospective Kaleida DMT, MET, MPT, MiPT, EPT, DPT, 5-MeO-MiPT & 5-MeO-EiPT
Like A Slowed Down DMT Pfaffed DPT
Poisonous Overtones Endersion DPT
A No-Time Environment poppabear DPT
Riding to Hell Dj49 DPT & 5-MeO-AMT
A Gram and Me Shafrakwalon Phexon DPT
The Light on Fire Brad DPT
Like Snorting Pop Rocks Unicron DPT

Preparation / Recipes   [6]
The Hollow Of Dying Luke DPT
Freebasing Tryptamines 2...DPT 'oil'... DINGO DPT
Shadow People Morninggloryseed DPT
Rectal Administraion of DPT uNivErSaL DPT
A Good Start Anjovis DPT
DPT Hausca Up the Butt The Director Syrian Rue, DPT, & Cannabis

Difficult Experiences » » »   more   » » » [46]
Turning Back the Second Seconds nowhereman DPT
A Harrowing Experience Gr4nter DPT
DPT IM... or Was it IV? Dirk DPT
Important, Unpleasant Trip Jikkle DPT
The Path of Good Wishes Murple DPT Freebase
Anything Becomes Possible Birdseye DPT
Holy Hyperspace Freek-Out Saint Erick DPT
Way Too Strong a Voyage Centaur DPT
Exhausting Experience Pistolpete DPT
Shouldn't Have Railed It All at Once anonymous DPT

Bad Trips   [6]
Bad Trip Enlightened DPT & Cannabis
In Hell With the Lord of the Flies ahaviel DPT
A Walk Into the Depths of Insanity WoWoX DPT
DPT Disaster armurr DPT
A Horrific Combination A-non-nimmus DPT & Mushrooms
An Uncommonly Uncomfortable Experience Dex DPT & MDMA (Ecstasy)

Health Problems » » »   more   » » » [14]
Intravascular Terror Funkee DPT (IV)
A Rip Snortin' Rough Ride Trey DPT
A Disaster Waiting to Happen Becca DPT
DPT IM... or Was it IV? Dirk DPT
Important, Unpleasant Trip Jikkle DPT
The Danger of Insanity, the Art of Existance Marz DPT & Alcohol
DPT Disaster armurr DPT
Bad Trip Enlightened DPT & Cannabis
Struggling to Breathe BringMePeterPan DPT
New Worlds Created Anonymous DPT

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters   [7]
A Plethora of Consciousness Psychedelic Dreamer DPT
DPT Disaster armurr DPT
Not Our Fault You Fucked Up IanT DPT
Woke Up in ICU D DPT
Holy Hyperspace Freek-Out Saint Erick DPT
Bad Trip Enlightened DPT & Cannabis
A Disaster Waiting to Happen Becca DPT

Glowing Experiences » » »   more   » » » [53]
Breathing Easier After Snipsonisha DPT
Second Date with Daisy Mr. Writer DPT
Buddha Womb RayofVishnu Ecstasy & DPT
Like I Told My Wife, I Didn't Want Screaming Way DPT
Vibrating Positivity PippUK DPT
Deep Primordial Trance Dudeness DPT
Bowling For Propylated Tryptamines Morninggloryseed DPT
In a League of its Own Mr. Scientist DPT
Going to the Divine Picture Theater Nesta DPT
The Path To Inner Peace Matt Himself DPT & Nitrous Oxide

Mystical Experiences » » »   more   » » » [13]
The Process and the Infinite Oneness Hedgeclipper DPT
10 Year Anniversary Murple LSD, DPT & GHB
One Man's Shamanic Initiation InstantEnlightenment DPT
The Danger of Insanity, the Art of Existance Marz DPT & Alcohol
If You Take It They Will Come Dubble DPT
Nihilist Mysticism Jikkle DPT
Here and Now Pyrotica DPT
Quantum Foam Metasyn 2C-I & DPT
Vibrating Positivity PippUK DPT
Truly Near Death Erica.Smerica DPT, Ketamine, & Nitrous Oxide

Health Benefits   [2]
The Expanding Consciousness TryptamineDreamer DPT
A No-Time Environment poppabear DPT

Families   [3]
Purification Through Hell Sam DPT
Breathing Easier After Snipsonisha DPT
The Electric Ocean of Consciousness Psychedaniellia DPT, DMT, & Cannabis

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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