Morning Glory (also Ipomoea violacea; tlilitzin; badoh negro (seeds)) Reports - First Times
First Times
(269 Total)

[1 - 100 of 269]
Highly Recommended The Dog Spirit Logan M Morning Glory 2020 Feb 26
Highly Recommended Gremlins Grin Cynosure Morning Glory (Organic Heavenly Blue) 2011 Mar 05
Highly Recommended Magical Forest and Unity of Being Dazza Morning Glory 2010 Jul 25
Highly Recommended The Cycle of Life Learned and Forgotten Onglamesh Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue & Flying Saucer) 2007 Jul 25
Highly Recommended Inducing Schizophrenia and Turning Off My Importance Meter JGZotU Morning Glory 2007 Feb 15
Highly Recommended Choosing Not to Nullify My Existence FwapNimmer Morning Glory Seeds 2000 Jun 23
New Recommended Should've Found Out About This Sooner Navaryn Morning Glory (seeds) 2024 Sep 21
Recommended A Journey Beyond Comprehension AE_Lovecraft Morning Glory 2018 Jun 20
Recommended Body Pain Not Spiritual ex sXe Morning Glory (Seeds) 2016 Feb 01
Recommended What a Wonderful World Dionysos Morning Glory (cold water extract) 2015 Oct 01
Recommended Flower Power Jitbird Morning Glory, Cannabis & Alcohol 2009 Dec 29
Recommended I Underestimated These Things Dusty Morning Glory & Cannabis 2009 Oct 27
Recommended Overcoming Ego Gr Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2009 Oct 24
Recommended Explosions in the Sky, Timetravel, Rebirth Explosionsinthesky Morning Glory (extract) 2009 Oct 15
Recommended Letting My Inner Child Out to Play OpenedEyes Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2009 Oct 12
Recommended Could This Be Death? Lamedeer Morning Glory (Pearly Gates) 2009 Aug 03
Recommended Warning to Women: Seeds May Affect Cycle seeker Morning Glory 2007 Nov 07
Recommended So Much of Everything Jake Morning Glory & Cannabis 2007 Oct 07
Recommended A Journey Into The World of the Insane Quique Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Feb 25
Recommended Longest Trip I've Experienced Tripic Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis 2007 Feb 19
Recommended From Psychonaut to Temporary Schizophrenic ChronicRod Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Feb 13
Recommended Pleasant Surprise Daytripper Morning Glory (pearly gates) & Cannabis 2007 Jan 26
Recommended I Can't Escape the Patterns Anonymous Morning Glory 2006 Aug 27
Recommended Heaven and Back Again Pipesmoker Morning Glory (Extract), Cannabis (Smoked) 2006 May 28
Recommended Blue Moon Glory riverwoman Morning Glory 2004 Oct 06
Recommended Morning Glory Disappointment Mr. 45 Year Old Morning Glory Seeds 2001 Dec 25
A Face With Death never again Morning Glory Seeds 2023 Jan 19
Organic Insight James Holocene Morning Glory 2020 Sep 02
I Feel That I've Learned Quite a Bit John Morning Glory 2020 Aug 13
Trying to Find Answers to Life Questions bluevelvet Morning Glory 2020 Jan 12
Cum Baby Cum or Manifesting the Id MedicineMan Morning Glory 2018 May 21
Presence of One JJC Morning Glory 2018 May 18
Very Intense and Satisfying Mind Mariner Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2017 Nov 22
I'm Glad I Did It Kiil Morning Glory (seeds) 2016 May 16
Rainbows, Knives, and Pip neustrium Morning Glory 2016 Apr 11
The Day I Lost My Morning Glory Virginity Jeezusdeej Morning Glory & Tobacco (Shisha) 2015 Dec 21
Tripping With the Clouds Scarecrow Morning Glory 2013 Dec 09
The Trip to Get There Is Worth the Trip MisterPriest Morning Glory 2013 Jul 14
Steady Enjoyable High Xen Morning Glory 2013 May 31
Revelation, the Entheogen Organ Notrabssor Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue), Methylone, 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone), Cannabis & Alcohol 2010 Apr 01
A Child, a King, a Genius, and a Cereal Bowl Godfrey Morning Glory & Passionflower 2010 Mar 10
Tripping in Slovakia Butternhoney Morning Glory (Flying Saucers) 2010 Mar 10
Everyone's First Time Should Be Like This Arminius Morning Glory 2010 Feb 13
I Want to Live Again M Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2009 Dec 29
I Looked in the Mirror dilated_pupils Morning Glory 2009 Sep 24
Never Again Krysta Morning Glory 2009 Aug 08
Experiencing Infinity Quantum, The Morning Glory 2009 Mar 08
Was It Really Worth It? Chuckles Morning Glory 2008 Nov 30
A Great Conversation Jack Tripper Morning Glory 2008 Sep 10
Surprisingly Psychedelic Iskatelabel33 Morning Glory & Cannabis 2008 Jul 21
Love Velouria Bee Morning Glory 2008 Mar 28
To the End of Reality DemiG0d Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Dec 01
Pain is Just Another Thing Bob Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Nov 28
Reign of Apocalypse Fatal Eclipse Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Nov 12
How I Learned True Meaning of 'Psychoactive' BobTheBuilder Morning Glory & Cannabis 2007 Nov 11
Beautifully Profound Trippin' Proletariat Morning Glory 2007 Nov 01
Perfect Preparation! Amazing Trip! Aquanina Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis 2007 Oct 23
Finding The Future Aaron Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Oct 06
Suffering the Consequences Me Morning Glory 2007 Oct 06
I Think I'll Just Plant Them From Now On Andy Morning Glory 2007 Oct 02
Night Out Wraistlin Morning Glory 2007 Oct 02
An Amazing Journey Nightripper5 Morning Glory, Temazepam, Cannabis & Tobacco 2007 Sep 16
Chance at Enlightenment Entre Morning Glory 2007 Sep 04
Distressing After Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Aug 31
Heavenly Blue Heaven Moe Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Aug 25
Hello Heaven, Thy Blue Abyss Anthony Pryor Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Aug 22
Same Basement, New World Valyntyne Morning Glory 2007 Aug 01
Hare Krishna, Pass the Seeds Causal Ocean Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Aug 01
Peaceful and Beautiful Monk Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Jul 28
Low Dose, Big Experience Alf Morning Glory 2007 Jun 25
The Past Cha Morning Glory (Flying Saucer, Pearly Gates) 2007 Jun 01
When It All Stops Bill Morning Glory & Cannabis 2007 May 30
I Am Only What I Can Be The Languid Hunter Morning Glory & Alcohol 2007 May 26
40 Years Within One Hour Darkruler Morning Glory 2007 May 22
To The Moon And Back Amphibiouz Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 May 20
More Than I Bargained For Televat0r Morning Glory & Cannabis 2007 May 11
Absolute Beauty Little Brother Morning Glory 2007 May 07
Totally Unexpected Pm Morning Glory 2007 May 06
Insane for a Day Fallsign Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Apr 23
Changing Emotions Andy Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Apr 18
Life & Death and Other Thoughts Prost! Morning Glory ( Heavenly Blue) 2007 Apr 11
Mid-Life Trip Old Hiker Morning Glory 2007 Apr 07
Zooming In and Out Vc Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Apr 04
An Incredible Experience Euphoria Morning Glory (Heavely Blue) & Cannabis 2007 Apr 04
Dancing with the Flower of Power BruHaaHaaProphet Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Mar 19
Trippin' Balls KonArtis Morning Glory 2007 Feb 13
An Evening with Heavenly Blue DoctorStrange Morning Glories (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Jan 06
Swept up into This Sea of Infinite Greatness Sidula Morning Glory 2006 Dec 26
One Strange Night Coolhand Morning Glory 2006 Dec 25
I Almost Underestimated Them Terrance Morning Glory & Cannabis 2006 Dec 01
A Mystical Battle Fred Morning Glory 2006 Aug 05
Spinning Spiral Psychedelic Sperm Fish OhadiEleven Morning Glory 2005 Nov 24
Funny How the Dying Part Didn't Freak Me Out Scott Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2005 Aug 23
Unexpected Results Allen Morning Glory 2005 Jul 26
My New Best Friend Goof Morning Glory - Heavenly Blue 2005 Jul 12
To Hell and Back sprat Morning Glory 2005 May 20
Do Not Underestimate It's Power melanie Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2005 Apr 01
Grins Aplenty Omnip Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2005 Feb 01
Morning Boring Gaius Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers) 2004 Nov 24
Nausea and Cramps Monica Morning Glory 2004 Oct 06

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NOTE: There are 11 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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