Arylcyclohexylamines Reports
(418 Total)

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First Times
Retrospective / Summary
Preparation / Recipes
Difficult Experiences
Bad Trips
Health Problems
Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Addiction & Habituation
Glowing Experiences
Mystical Experiences
Health Benefits
What Was in That?
General » » »   more   » » » [156]
The Dizzying Squalls nervewing 3-Me-PCP
Light Show in the Void nervewing Methoxpropamine
When Everything Is Just Right Kaleida Methoxetamine
A *Pr*operly Mextifying View of Reality TiHKALmonster MXPr
The Weight of the Ocean, The Abyssal Plain nervewing HXE & Cannabis
Second Trip TheAmazingAnnika Methoxetamine
Brillant Hole Turns Sour Sharkattack Methoxetamine
A Rather Promising Compound Phantasmal Methoxetamine
A Surprisingly Cognitive Dissociative ceganoodle Fluorexetamine
Red Lafcadio in Chains slsb Methoxetamine

First Times » » »   more   » » » [110]
Maybe a Little Too Good Tunaroll Methoxetamine
Small First Steps With Small Effects Student of Life MXP & Nootropics/Supplements
Hey, I Was Curious The Monkey Mantra PCP & Cannabis
For a First Trial, I'm Fairly Impressed Xorkoth Methoxpropamine
Worthwhile Addition Jesusgreen Methoxphenidine
Where I've Wanted to Be All Along Renton Methoxphenidine
Not Exactly What I Was Expecting Ppirc Methoxetamine
It Surprised a Rocket Scientist Pendragon Methoxetamine
Utterly Astonished Haphazard Methoxetamine
Bits of Metal and Boiled Chicken sparkle kitty PCP & Cannabis

Combinations » » »   more   » » » [160]
The Department of Existential Destruction Anatoli Smorin Methoxetamine, MDMA & S-Ketamine
The Sensation of Orange Anatoli Smorin Kratom, Methoxetamine & Alcohol
Ubiquitious Internal Immersion Anatoli Smorin 3-MeO-PCP & Methoxetamine
Profoundly Startled PewterG DPT, Methoxetamine & Nitrous Oxide
Never at a Loss for Words bindingaffinity MXE & Deschloroketamine
Lunar New Year nervewing 3-MeO-PCP & Methoxpropamine
The Illusion of Material Reality Vastness Methoxetamine & 2C-B
Park, Pool, Antichamber & Lots of Sex mydnmreviewacct ETH-LAD & Methoxetamine
Worrisome Side Effects Xorkoth 4-Fluoroamphetamine, Methoxetamine, 2C-T-21, Cannabis & Etizolam
Cosmic Singularity Xorkoth Methoxetamine & Cannabis

Retrospective / Summary » » »   more   » » » [58]
How Can One Live With Such Knowledge? The Explorer Methoxetamine & Cannabis
The World Was Made of Marshmallow Pillows AnarchaCannabis Methoxetamine & L-Tyrosine
Habitual Combinations vostochnik Methoxetamine
A Christmas Tale of Ego Death and Rebirth Wiccan_Seeker Methoxetamine
New Years Nystagmus Soma Sava Cannabis & PCP
I Would Describe It Similar to 3-MeO-PCP and 3-HO-PCP melange 3-Methyl-PCP
The More I Felt Poisoned by It Dave Methoxetamine
A Rather Unintersting Dissociative FlowGnome Methoxphenidine
Fun But Disappointing Experience Xerxes Methoxetamine
Unpredictable Trips Ralphy Methoxetamine

Preparation / Recipes   [1]
Using It Too Often Bad Idea rednax Methoxetamine

Difficult Experiences » » »   more   » » » [56]
Intense Paranoid Delusions and Terror TOnY Methoxetamine
Is This a Simulation? Sun Drugs Methoxetamine
Disassembled Into Atoms Tela PCP & Cannabis
Warning From a K-User jiffyam Methoxetamine
The World Shrank Jen PCP
I Can't Imagine How It Feels to Be a Dust Bunny Haha Sasha PCP
It Seems Like I'm Still Alive cylindricalchrist Methoxphenidine & THJ-018
Difficulty Unexpected dsig Methoxetamine & Cannabis
Fapster in Wonderland Fapster Methoxphenidine
Scaring Chemical Goliath Methoxetamine

Bad Trips » » »   more   » » » [18]
Lived to Tell a Cautionary Tale Stylepoints Methoxetamine
25I Mishap blotto 25I-NBOMe, MDMA, Methoxetamine, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide
He's Lost His Marbles disorder bro 4-AcO-DMT & Methoxetamine
Amplified Hate dearpsychonaut Methoxetamine
A Friendly Warning Helikopte Methoxetamine
What the Hell!? L Cannabis & PCP
What the Hell Happened? Beth Marley PCP
Waiting for It to Happen louse Methoxetamine
Driving Off A Cliff With a Cult RaverAllstar PCP, Ketamine, Cannabis & Tobacco
Death Within Reach Alex PCP

Health Problems » » »   more   » » » [15]
Very Real Danger of Death Hellestopholes Methoxetamine
Suspected Overdose Be Careful anonymousMay3011 Methoxetamine
Over-Dosing Is a Dangerous Thing acid-droppin-hippy Methoxphenidine
Seizures and Other Problems Waldo Planisphere 6-APB & MXE
Using It Too Often Bad Idea rednax Methoxetamine
New Years Nystagmus Soma Sava Cannabis & PCP
Frightening Effects Persisted for 5 Hellish Hours Dusting Hoffmane Pentedrone, Methoxetamine, Bupropion & Guanfacine
Season of da Siccness d-doc hella sick PCP (on cigarette)
Death Within Reach Alex PCP
Long-Lasting Aftereffects! Ken PCP & Cannabis

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters » » »   more   » » » [18]
Hunted by the Presence nervewing 3-Methyl-PCP, Methoxpropamine & Pyrazolam
The Incident PewterG Methoxetamine
I Smoked It by Accident SkipScramble Cannabis & PCP
Accidental Overdose Leading to Panic Attack deadrelatives Methoxetamine (MXE)
Ring of Saturn Guess PCP
Hell on Earth Nightmare Train Wreck volcommerce Methoxetamine
Methoxetamine Psychosis Imakamera Methoxetamine & Methadone
Not Exactly the Healing I Was Looking For SeekingHealing Methoxetamine
Feel Lucky to Be Alive March 25I-NBOMe & Methoxetamine
A Warning - Don't Be Stupid keithp318 Methoxetamine

Addiction & Habituation » » »   more   » » » [14]
MXE and Me: A Tale of Addiction Expect Methoxetamine
Season of da Siccness d-doc hella sick PCP (on cigarette)
Discovery Antidepressant Addiction and Pain academicexplorer Methoxetamine
Extremely Scary Episodes Bitrat Methoxetamine
A Retrospective of Addiction Radium MDMA, Ketamine, Methoxetamine & Etizolam
Eventually It Got Dark HOH Methoxetamine & Deschloroketamine
Chasing the Kaleidoscope NoStoneUnturned Methoxetamine
A Swift Kick in The Bum Chomper Methoxetamine
23 Months of Consistent Use Anon Methoxetamine
Lifelong Dissociative Freak Persistent PCP, Ketamine & DXM

Glowing Experiences » » »   more   » » » [47]
The Great Void of Heaven nervewing Fluorexetamine
First Time in the M-Hole GoldenMane MXE
There is No Fear Expect 4-AcO-DMT & Methoxetamine
Into the M-Hole mindspelunker Methoxetamine
No Time for Me to Properly Understand LST Fluorexetamine
I Think I Tasted Heaven anonymous Oxycodone, Methoxetamine & Cigarette
We Were Free Xplicit Methoxetamine
A Lazy Morning latexsanta Methoxetamine
The Chosen One and the Arrogance of My Ego CB 6-APB & Methoxetamine
Chasing the Kaleidoscope NoStoneUnturned Methoxetamine

Mystical Experiences » » »   more   » » » [18]
The Beautiful Chaos Lyle DMT & Methoxetamine
We are The Gods which is The Universe mindexplorer Magic Mushrooms, 4-HO-MET & Methoxetamine
Boom Sauceman PCP & Cannabis
I Am God! ReDragon PCP
A Lesson in Karma Young Hippy Teenager Cannabis & PCP
The Mingling Of The Golden Souls TheChemicalKid Methoxphenidine & Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa
God is Love Asante Methoxetamine
M-hole Magic [This Satori] lucidcoyote Methoxetamine
Key Door Open Experience God P.Us.P. Methoxetamine
How Can One Live With Such Knowledge? The Explorer Methoxetamine & Cannabis

Health Benefits   [4]
Smart Drug? X PCP
Caution With Everyday Use Im_back Methoxphenidine
Needs to be Researched Further Birch Methoxetamine
Hope for Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder Humble Swede Methoxetamine & Various Pharmaceuticals

What Was in That? » » »   more   » » » [23]
Something Extra D Cannabis & PCP
Suddenly the Smoke Changed jones Plant Material with PCP
Hallcinations, God and the Devil Typical stoner Cannabis & PCP
Demons Everywhere somerandomgirl Cannabis & PCP
Forever Changed smokemota PCP on Cannabis?
Laced With Terror and Insanity Anthony PCP & Cannabis
Peculiar C Methoxetamine (sold as Cocaine)
Requiem Emil Cannabis
New Years Nystagmus Soma Sava Cannabis & PCP
I Smoked It by Accident SkipScramble Cannabis & PCP

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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