Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Donations $20 - $3,000 DOUBLED in September!
What's New at Erowid
Jan 01 2001 to Dec 31 2001
Mon Dec 31, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 30, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 29, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : New Ecstasy Tablet Images
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 28, 2001 # : New Ecstasy Pill Testing Results (7)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe azurescens
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 27, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 23, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 22, 2001 #
System Recovered. We lost 14 hours of incoming experience reports and a couple days off other projects
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 21, 2001 #
New Harddrive and System Installed - Reinstalling DB Backups
Wed Dec 19, 2001 #
Harddrive Failure and System Crash - Down for 2 days
Tue Dec 18, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 17, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : 3 Gram Lump of Black Tar Opium
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Art Glass Cannabis Pipe
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 14, 2001 # : New Ecstasy Pill Testing Results
Thu Dec 13, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : 4 varieties of Heroin
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : Brown Heroin
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : Off-white Heroin
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : White Heroin
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : Dilaudid
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : Dilaudid
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : Demerol
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : Demerol
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate : Image Vault
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate : Image : 5 Chloral Hydrate Tablets
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Hashish
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Hashish
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Hash Oil
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 11, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 9, 2001 #
Ran Psychoactive Mushroom Table at the MSSF Fungus Fair
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 8, 2001 #
Ran Psychoactive Mushroom Table at the MSSF Fungus Fair
Fri Dec 7, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 6, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 2, 2001 #
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Added Nutella Biscuit and Smores to Cannabis Eating FAQ
Sat Dec 1, 2001 #
Update (major)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Sex : Complete Rewrite of Sex and Psychoactives Vault
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 28, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Adrenochrome Vault
CHEMICALS : Adrenochrome : Basics
CHEMICALS : Adrenochrome : Commentary - A collection of comments about Adrenochrome
New Experience Reports
Sat Nov 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 23, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 21, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MPTP : CDC's 1984 Warning About MPTP
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 20, 2001 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Health : HPPD (Hallucinogen Post Perceptual Disorder) Vault
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 18, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 16, 2001 #
CULTURE : Art : Cody Seekins
Thu Nov 15, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 14, 2001 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Ads : Parody Advertisment Vault (links)
PSYCHOACTIVES : Psychoactives & Sex : Bibliography
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Updated Humor Vaults
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 13, 2001 #
Update (major)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Psychoactives and Sex
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 12, 2001 #
Ask Erowid : Does the mescal bean contain mescaline?
Sat Nov 10, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 9, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Barbiturates : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Barbiturates : Chemistry
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 5, 2001 #
Ask Erowid : What is the half life of MDMA?
Ask Erowid : What is in a pill labelled 'KPI / 2' ?
Fri Nov 2, 2001 #
FREEDOM : First Amendment : Publishing Related First Amendment Law
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 31, 2001 #
SMARTS : Modafinil
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Law
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Chemistry
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Image Vault
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Health
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Images : 3D Rotating Adrafinil Molecule
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Images : 2D Adrafinil Molecule
SMARTS : Modafinil : Law
SMARTS : Modafinil : Chemistry
SMARTS : Modafinil : Image Vault
SMARTS : Modafinil : Images : 2D Modafinil Molecule
SMARTS : Modafinil : Images : 3D Rotating Modafinil Molecule
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 30, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 4-Methylaminorex : Dosage
PHARMS : Methylphenidate : Image : 2D Molecule
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Cultivation : New Fire Warning on Fast Food of the Gods Method
SMARTS : Adrafinil
SMARTS : Adrafinil : Journal References
Ask Erowid : Is Candy Flipping more dangerous than MDMA use alone?
Ask Erowid : What are the percentages of 5-MeO-DMT in Diplopterys cabrerana.
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 29, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 1,4-Butanediol : Law Vault
CHEMICALS : 4-acetoxy-DiPT : Image : 2D 4-HO-DiPT Molecule
LIBRARY : Books : Hallucinogenic Plants of North America
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Kava : Law : Update about Australian Law
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Law : Update about Australian Law
Ask Erowid : Are amphetamine, 'meth', Adderall, and Ritalin all the same thing?
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 28, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : BZP : Image Vault
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Dxm : Law : DXM Available Over the Counter in Australia
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 27, 2001 #
Server Hardware Replaced
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Institute of Medicine Report on Caffeine and Mental Performance
CHEMICALS : GHV : Gamma Valerolactone NIH Datasheet
CHEMICALS : GHV : Chemistry : GHV Chemistry
CHEMICALS : GHV : Journal : GHV References List
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : Image : Methamphetamine Crystals
PLANTS : Passionflower : Image : Passiflora caerulea
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 24, 2001 #
PHARMS : Bupropion : Basics
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Bupropion : Updated Buproprion Vault Links
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 23, 2001 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Chemistry : Added links
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Law : Britain Heads to Soften Cannabis Laws
Mon Oct 22, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 4-methylaminorex : Image : 4-methylaminorex 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : 5-MeO-DMT 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : DMT : Image : N,N-DMT 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : Harmaline : Image : Harmaline 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : Harmine : Image : Harmine 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : PMA : Image : PMA 2D Molecule
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : PMA : Journal : Added New PMA Journal References
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 19, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 18, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Image : Papaverine 2D Molecule
LIBRARY : Videos : Radiance
LIBRARY : Videos : Runa : Sacha Runa
PHARMS : Codeine : Image : Codeine 2D Molecule
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 17, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Cathinone : Image : Cathinone 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : Methcathinone : Image : Methcathinone 2D Molecule
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Side by side comparison of muscaria, pantherina, and formosa
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Side by side comparison of Amanita muscaria var muscaria and formosa
Mon Oct 15, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : 20 New MDMA Tablet Images
Thu Oct 11, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : Island
LIBRARY : Books : The Heroin User's Handbook
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 10, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : Growing Wild Mushrooms
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Cases : Important Analogue Act Case, US v Damon Forbes 1992
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Cases : Analog Act Interpretive Case Law
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 9, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-2 : Preliminary Results with New Psychoactive Agents 2C-T-2 AND 2C-T-7
CULTURE : Characters : Elizabeth Gips
GENERAL : About : Newsletter : Erowid Extracts - Vol 1, No 1
LIBRARY : Books : Psychopharmacology of Herbal Medicine
LIBRARY : Books : Divining Ecstasy
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 8, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : Ecstasy: The Complete Guide
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 7, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 5, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : Image : Methamphetamine Crystals
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Statistics : New National Household Survey Statistics (2000)
Thu Oct 4, 2001 #
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura inoxia Seedpod
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura inoxia leaf
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 3, 2001 #
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura inoxia in bloom
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : dried P. cubensis
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : P. cubensis being ground with mortar and pestle
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : close-up of ground P. cubensis
PLANTS : Poppy : Image : Papaver somniferum pod
Update (minor)
- CULTURE : Characters : Added New Image of Alexander Shulgin
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 2, 2001 #
CULTURE : Characters : John Lilly : Obituary
PLANTS : Kava : Image : Kava Products
PLANTS : Kava : Image : Kava Capsules
PLANTS : Kava : Image : Single Kava Capsule
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 1, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Image : Small pile of 2C-B vials
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Image : 22.5mg 2C-B Vial
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Image : Small bag with chunks of Cocaine HCl
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Image : 3 Chunks of Cocaine HCl
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Image : 2mg Alprazolam Tablet
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Image : Small pile of 2mg Alprazolam tablets
PLANTS : Betel : Betel Nut Chewing and Cancer
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Bullet for snorting powder
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Bullet for snorting powder
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Bullet for snorting powder
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 30, 2001 #
Update (major)
- GENERAL : Guestbook Redesigned
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 26, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Twins Blotter
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 23, 2001 #
FREEDOM : Humor Vault
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 19, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 17, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Unused Potential of Marriage and Sex
LIBRARY : Books : Cosmic Art
LIBRARY : Books : Chaos and Cyber Culture
LIBRARY : Books : Common Era
LIBRARY : Books : The Scientist
LIBRARY : Books : Psychoactive Sacramentals
LIBRARY : Books : Chaos, Gaia, Eros
LIBRARY : Books : You Are Not the Target
LIBRARY : Books : Neuropolitique
LIBRARY : Books : Fire In The Brain
LIBRARY : Books : Brain Boosters
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 14, 2001 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Effects : Added section on Addiction and Withdrawal
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 13, 2001 #
SMARTS : Tryptophan : Law
Ask Erowid : What are 'Hell's Bells' flowers?
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 12, 2001 #
LANGUAGES : German : Deutsche Index (German language sites)
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 9, 2001 #
CULTURE : Characters : Claudia Mueller-Ebeling
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Re-edited Reagan Anti-Drug Speech
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : E (joke)
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : The Rabbit and the Lion
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Dr. Seuss Quits the Circus
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Simpsons Drug Reference Collection
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Miscellaneous Short Psychedelic Jokes
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 7, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2ci : Image : 2C-I and 4-Acetoxy-DET
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 6, 2001 #
CULTURE : Characters : Christian Rätsch
LIBRARY : Videos : Amanita Muscaria: The Mushrooms that shape the Universe
LIBRARY : Videos : Mushrooms and Mankind
PHARMS : Sildenafil (Viagra) Vault
PHARMS : Sildenafil (Viagra) : Basics
PHARMS : Sildenafil (Viagra) : Image Vault
PHARMS : Sildenafil (Viagra) : Image : 50 mg Viagra Tablets
Ask Erowid : Is Trichocereus scopulicolis psychoactive?
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 5, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 4, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 2, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Dextro-amphetamine Info
New Experience Reports
Sat Sep 1, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MDA : Image : Simon's reagent reaction showing MDA versus MDMA
Thu Aug 30, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 29, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 28, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 27, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 26, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 23, 2001 #
Update (major)
- CULTURE : Characters : Oscar Janiger
CULTURE : Characters : Oscar Janiger : Obituary
Update (major)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Faqs : Psychedelic Crisis FAQ
Ask Erowid : How can I find out if there is psilocybin/psilocin in a mushroom?
Ask Erowid : Is a pressed pill of Ecstasy less stable than the pure compound?
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 22, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 20, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 14b : Storage : 14b and GBL May Dissolve Some Plastics
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 19, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 18, 2001 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass pipe used to smoke tryptamines
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Image Vault
PSYCHOACTIVES : Humor : Image : R U On E - Coca Cola Advertisement
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 17, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 16, 2001 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Large P. cubensis Growkits
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 15, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 14, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : Laughing Gas: Nitrous Oxide
LIBRARY : Books : Dancing Naked in the Mind Field
LIBRARY : Books : The Drug User: Documents 1840-1960
Mon Aug 13, 2001 #
LIBRARY : Books : Cocaine Handbook
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 11, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Mexican Ketamine Package
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Japanese Ketamine Package
PLANTS : Coca : Image : Coca Balm
PLANTS : Morning_glory : Image : Morning Glory vine on wall
PLANTS : Morning_glory : Image : two Morning Glory flowers
PLANTS : Morning_glory : Image : two varieties of Morning Glory
PLANTS : Salvia : Image : S. divinorum seeds
Ask Erowid : What are the effects of Alpha d glucochloralose?
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 10, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 8, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2cb : Image : 2C-B Vial
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Image : Young Banisteriopsis caapi Vine
PLANTS : Brugmansia : Image : Brugmansia arborea Fruit development
PLANTS : Brugmansia : Image : Brugmansia arborea Flower
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis bags
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis bud
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis 'Skunk-C5' bud
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Mature White Widow Cannabis bud
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Marinol Bottle
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : P. cubensis cultivation
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 6, 2001 #
HERBS : Nightshade Vault
HERBS : Nightshade : Image Vault
HERBS : Nightshade : Law
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : Glass bottle of 5-MeO-DMT crystals
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Ketamine bottle
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : 2 Ketamine bottles
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Ketamine bottles with packaging
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Plant #1
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Plant #2
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Plant #3
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Flower #1
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Flower #2
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Berries #2
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Berries #3
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Berries #1
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Leaves
HERBS : Nightshade : Image : Black Nightshade Leaf
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Bureau of Land Management Cannabis ticket
PLANTS : Sinicuichi : Image : Heimia salicifolia Branch
PLANTS : Sinicuichi : Image : Heimia salicifolia Flower
PLANTS : Sinicuichi : Image : Heimia salicifolia Plant
Update (minor)
- GENERAL : Calendar : Updated Conference Calendar
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 2, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 30, 2001 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis Buds
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis Buds
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis Buds
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : 1/4 kilogram bar of hashish
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis indica type leaf
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Cannabis indica afghani leaf
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 29, 2001 #
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate Vault
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate : Law
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate : Basics
PHARMS : Chloral Hydrate : Synonyms
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 23, 2001 #
PLANTS : Betel : Image : Antique Betel Nut Cracker
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Cannabis Pipe
Ask Erowid : Where do I find books on psychedelics?
Ask Erowid : Does Prozac affect the mushroom experience?
Ask Erowid : Do painkillers show up on drug tests?
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 22, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jul 21, 2001 #
CULTURE : Characters : Jonathan Ott
PLANTS : Brugmansia : Image : Brugmansia aurea
Update (minor)
- EXPERIENCES : Added # of Views for Each Exp Report
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 20, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 18, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 16, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 4-acetoxy-DIPT : Image : 3D Rotating Molecule image (.mol)
CHEMICALS : 4-acetoxy-DIPT : Image : 4-acetoxy-DIPT 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : 4-acetoxy-DIPT : Image : 4-acetoxy-DIPT 3D Molecule
SPIRIT : Martial : Capoeria Links
New Experience Reports
Sat Jul 14, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 13, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 11, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Carbogen : Main Vault
CHEMICALS : Carbogen : Basics
CHEMICALS : Carbogen : Journal References
CHEMICALS : Carbogen : Commentary
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 10, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Ether : Basics
PLANTS : Diplopterys : DMT Content of Diplopterys cabrerana leaves
PLANTS : Psychotria : DMT Content of P. viridis leaves
Ask Erowid : How many doses are in 30g of Psychotria?
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 9, 2001 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Hashish
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Hashish
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Packaged Cannabis Buds
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe bohemica
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe bohemica #2
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe bohemica #3
Update (major)
- ASK : Rhodium and The Hive Back Online
Sun Jul 8, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MBDB : Image Vault
Sat Jul 7, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MBDB : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : MBDB : What is Known about MBDB?
CHEMICALS : MBDB : Report on the Risk Assessment of MBDB
CHEMISTRY : MBDB : Journal References
Ask Erowid : Will Prozac potentiate oral DMT? (The Difference bewteen MAOIs and SSRIs)
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 6, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 3, 2001 #
Ask Erowid : Is 5-MEO-AET illegal?
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 2, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : TMA-2 : Basics
CULTURE : Characters : Alexander Shulgin : Bibliography
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 1, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-D : 2C-D as Smartdrug
CHEMICALS : 2C-D : 2C-D Vault
CHEMICALS : 4-MTA : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : 4-MTA : Comments on 4-MTA
CHEMICALS : 4-MTA : Journal References
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 30, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Addiction : GHB Withdrawal Syndrome Overview, by Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
LIBRARY : Books : World Mythology
LIBRARY : Books : Heroin Addiction
LIBRARY : Books : Into The Void
LIBRARY : Books : The Eternal Search: The Story of Man and His Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : Poisons of the Past
LIBRARY : Books : The Spiritual Quest
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : 2ct7 : 2C-T-7 Death #1, changed vomit info, added mention of the ME report
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 29, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 28, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 27, 2001 #
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Dose : Liquid Measurement Technique
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 26, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 25, 2001 #
PLANTS : Peyote : Basics
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Corrected some language and fixed broken UN link
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Amanitas : Law : Israel lists Amanitas as controlled
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 24, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Basics
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : Small Heroin Packets
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image : 'H' is for Heroin (book cover)
GENERAL : Conferences : Report : Drug Policies for the New Millenium
GENERAL : Conferences : Report : Ayahuasca Conference
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Marijuana Law
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Confessions of an English Opium Eater
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Yet Another Beautiful Day in Paradise
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Drugs and Behavior
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Trips
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Psychedelics Encyclopedia
LIBRARY : Books : Review : Storming Heaven
LIBRARY : Books : Review : True Hallucinations
LIBRARY : Books : Review : The Essential Psychedelic Guide
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : A Collection of Tips for Beneficial Psychedelic Use
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : GHB : Added GHB and 14b Addiction Experience Links
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Opiates : Updated and Added Links
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Oxycodone : Added Link to DRCNet Oxycontin Panic Story
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 23, 2001 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Danish News Story about Psilocybin Law Change
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Mushrooms : Law : Denmark Makes Psilocybin Mushrooms Illegal
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Nutmeg : Basics
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 22, 2001 #
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Basics
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : Basics
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 20, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 19, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Image : Baggie of Powder Cocaine
CHEMICALS : DOB : Image : Blotter containing DOB
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Bart Simpson
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Crosses
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Image : Small Packet of Mescaline
CHEMICALS : Nitrites : Image : Small bottle of Amyl Nitrite
PHARMS : Oxycodone : Image : Two types of Oxycodone tablets
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Basics
CHEMICALS : Nitrites : Image Vault
PHARMS : Oxycodone : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 18, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : 5-MeO-DMT Crystal
CHEMICALS : DXM : Image : DXM Capsules
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Baggie of Ketamine HCl
Sun Jun 17, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Image : Vin Mariani Advertisement
PHARMS : Morphine : Image Vault
PHARMS : Morphine : Image : Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup Trading Card
Sat Jun 16, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 15, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 14, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : MAOIs : More Notes on Food and Drug Interactions
PHARMS : Alprazolam (Xanax) : Images : Alprazolam Tablets
PHARMS : Amitriptyline : Images : 25 mg Amitriptyline Tablets
PHARMS : Bromazepam : Images : 5 mg Lexotan (Bromazepam) Tablets
PHARMS : Bromazepam : Images : 5 mg Lexotan (Bromazepam) Tablets
PHARMS : Clonazepam : Images : .5 mg Clonazepam Tablets
PHARMS : Clonazepam : Images : .5 mg Clonazepam Tablets
PHARMS : Haloperidol : Images : 1.5 mg Haloperidol Tablets
PHARMS : Sertraline (Zoloft) : Basics
PHARMS : Sertraline (Zoloft) : Images : Professional Samples of Zoloft Tablets
PHARMS : Sertraline (Zoloft) : Images : 50 and 100 mg Zoloft Tablets
PHARMS : Triazolam (Halcion) : Images : Triazolam Tablets
PHARMS : Triazolam (Halcion) : Images : .25 mg generic Triazolam Tablets
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : A Syrian Rue Extraction
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Two Extraction Methods
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Acetic Acid Isolation of Harmine and Harmaline
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Simple Lemon Juice Extraction
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Overview of Harmala Extraction from Syrian Rue Seeds
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Notes on Smoking Syrian Rue Extracts
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Tips for Reducing Harmala Related Nausea
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Comments on Combining Syrian Rue with Psilocybin Mushrooms
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Harmala Glows Under Blacklights
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Chemistry
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Law
PHARMS : Bromazepam Vault
PHARMS : Bromazepam : Image Vault
PHARMS : Triazolam (Halcion) : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 11, 2001 #
BOOKS : After Prohibition
BOOKS : Tripping
Sun Jun 10, 2001 #
BOOKS : 1 in 7: Drugs on Campus
Thu Jun 7, 2001 #
BOOKS : The Alchemy of Culture: Intoxicants in Society
BOOKS : One River
BOOKS : Drink: A Social History of America
BOOKS : Underworld of the East
BOOKS : Peyote
CHEMICALS : GHB : FDA Panel Pre-approves GHB as Cataplexy Treatment
PLANTS : Acacias : Law
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Law
PLANTS : Iboga : Law
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Law
New Ask Erowid Answers
Wed Jun 6, 2001 #
GENERAL : New Erowid T-shirts, in Black and Purple
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose : Law
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 5, 2001 #
PLANTS : Tobacco : Timeline
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 4, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 2, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 1, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 31, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 30, 2001 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : CAS #'s for Psychoactive Chemicals
New Experience Reports
Sun May 27, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat May 26, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri May 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 22, 2001 #
PHARMS : Diazepam (Valium) : Chemistry
PHARMS : Fluoxetine (Prozac) : Chemistry
New Experience Reports
Mon May 21, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Dutch Court Case Decided in Favor of Santo Daime Church
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Law
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Chemistry
PHARMS : Bupropion : Chemistry
New Experience Reports
Sun May 20, 2001 #
GENERAL : New Category Drop-downs on Psychoactive Chemistry
GENERAL : New Category Drop-downs on Psychoactive Law
GENERAL : New Category Drop-downs on Psychoactives Vault
PHARMS : Clonazepam (Klonopin) : Law
PHARMS : Diazepam (Valium) : Law
PHARMS : Lorazepam (Ativan) : Law
PHARMS : Methylphenidate (Ritalin) : Law
PHARMS : Temazepam (Restoril) : Law
PHARMS : Triazolam (Halcion) : Law
New Experience Reports
Fri May 18, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 17, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 16, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 15, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon May 14, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Dosage Information
New Experience Reports
Sat May 12, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : This Is Your Brain on Dissociatives
Fri May 11, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 9, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun May 6, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat May 5, 2001 #
GENERAL : About Volunteers
GENERAL : About Submissions
GENERAL : About Announcements
GENERAL : About Copyrights
GENERAL : About Funding
GENERAL : New About Erowid Section
New Experience Reports
Fri May 4, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 2, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 1, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Apr 29, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Rocket Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Fat Freddy's Cat Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Dolphin Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Yellow Geltabs
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Purple Geltabs
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Woodie Woodpecker
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Genie Lamp
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Star
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 28, 2001 #
HERBS : Caraway : Image Vault
HERBS : Caraway : Images : Blooming A. millefolium
HERBS : Yarrow : Image Vault
HERBS : Yarrow : Images : Blooming A. millefolium
PLANTS : Passionflower : Images : P. caerulea Flower
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 27, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Daffy Duck Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Getafix Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Campbell's Soup Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Images : Twins
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose : Images : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds
PLANTS : Mimosa : Images : Mimosa hostilis Rootbark
PLANTS : Mimosa : Images : Mimosa hostilis Rootbark
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Images : Heavenly Blue Plant
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Images : Heavenly Blue Flowers
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Images : Heavenly Blue Flowers
PLANTS : Tobacco : Images : Nicotiana rustica leaves
PLANTS : Tobacco : Images : Dried Leaf Bundles
PLANTS : Tobacco : Images : Wrapped Leaves
PLANTS : Tobacco : Images : Cured Leaves
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 26, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Images : 'Blue Mystic' Tablet
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Capsule
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : V Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Teletubby (Red)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Superman
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Sunshine (Blue)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Star Trek (Pink)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Star 2 (Blue)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Snow Flake
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Smurf
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Smiley Face Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Smiley Face
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Smiley Face
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Smiley Face
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Sex Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Sex (Pink)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Rolls Royce (Yellow)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Rolls Royce (Red)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Rolex
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : RN (Green)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : RN (White)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Pikachu
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Peace
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Peace
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Panda (Blue)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Octagonal E
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Ninja Star (White)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Nike (Green)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Motorola Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Motorola (Red)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Mitsubishi Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Mitsubishi
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Mitsubishi
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Michelin Man
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Horse Shoe
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Hers
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Happy Pills Group 2
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Happy Pills Group 1
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Happy Pills
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Fox
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Fish (Grey)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Euro (Orange)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Crown (Blue)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Butterfly Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Butterfly (Orange Speckled)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Butterfly (Red)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Butterfly (Orange)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Big Mac
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Audi TT Group
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Audi TT (White)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Armani (Blue)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Audi TT (Green)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Armani (Yellow)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : 8 1/2
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : Adam
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Images : 007
New Experience Reports
Wed Apr 25, 2001 #
FREEDOM : Supreme Court Decisions : Atwater et al. v. City Of Lago Vista et al.
New Experience Reports
Mon Apr 23, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 20, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Plastikman
CHEMICALS : LSD : Fractal Coast
CHEMICALS : LSD : Geisha Girl Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Apothecary's LSD Blotter Gallery
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Batman Ecstasy-Villain Commentary
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 19, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Death Report #3
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Article #2 about death
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Death Report #2
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Article #1 about death
CHEMICALS : BZP : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : Journal References
New Experience Reports
Wed Apr 18, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 13, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Chocolate : 2D Theobromine Molecule
CHEMICALS : Chocolate : Chemistry
PLANTS : Cacao : Sign Image
PLANTS : Cacao : Leaf Image
PLANTS : Cacao : Fruit Image
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 12, 2001 #
CULTURE : Characters : Ann Shulgin
CULTURE : Characters : The History of Psychedelic Therapy with the Dying
CULTURE : Characters : Valentina Wasson
CULTURE : Characters : He Shared His Death with Me
CULTURE : Characters : David Nichols
Wed Apr 11, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 7, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : GHB : 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : Indole : 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : K-GHB : 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : LSA : 2D Molecule
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : LSD Geltabs
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - Victor Vasarely
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - South Africa (back)
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - South Africa
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - Leary
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - Beavis and Butthead
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - Through the Looking Glass (back)
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Blotter - Through the Looking Glass
CHEMICALS : Na-GHB : 2D Molecule
PHARMS : Fluoxetine (Prozac) : 2D Molecule
PHARMS : Hydrocodone : 3D Molecule
PHARMS : Hydrocodone : 2D Molecule
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Basics
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Chemistry
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Extraction of Myristicin
CHEMICALS : 4-methylaminorex : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-AMT : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : DIPT : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : DOB : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : DOM : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : LSA : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : MDA : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Methadone : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Myristicin : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : PCP : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : PMA : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 6, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 5, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Apr 4, 2001 #
SMARTS : Deprenyl : Manufacturer's Insert
SMARTS : DHEA : Basics
SMARTS : DMAE : Basics
SMARTS : Hydergine : Manufacturer's Insert
SMARTS : Hydergine : Basics
SMARTS : Tryptophan : Basics
SMARTS : Vasopressin : Basics
SMARTS : Pramiracetam : Image Vault
SMARTS : Vinpocetine : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 3, 2001 #
PHARMS : Moclebemide
SMARTS : Images
SMARTS : Aniracetam : Manufacturer's Insert
SMARTS : Aniracetam : Basics
SMARTS : Deprenyl : Basics
SMARTS : Deprenyl : Journal References
SMARTS : DMAE : Chemistry
SMARTS : Aniracetam : Image Vault
SMARTS : DMAE : Image Vault
SMARTS : Fipexide : Image Vault
SMARTS : Meclofenoxate : Image Vault
SMARTS : Melatonin : Image Vault
SMARTS : Oxiracetam : Image Vault
SMARTS : Phenytoin : Image Vault
SMARTS : Piracetam : Image Vault
SMARTS : Tryptophan : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Mon Apr 2, 2001 #
SMARTS : Vinpocetine
SMARTS : Pramiracetam
SMARTS : Phenytoin (Dilantin)
SMARTS : Oxiracetam
SMARTS : Gerovital
SMARTS : Human Growth Hormone
SMARTS : Fipexide
SMARTS : Meclofenoxate (Centrophenoxine)
SMARTS : Aniracetam
SMARTS : Aniracetam : Chemistry
SMARTS : Fipexide : Chemistry
SMARTS : Meclofenoxate : Chemistry
SMARTS : Oxiracetam : Chemistry
SMARTS : Phenytoin : Chemistry
SMARTS : Piracetam : Chemistry
SMARTS : Pramiracetam : Chemistry
SMARTS : Tryptophan : Chemistry
SMARTS : Vasopressin : Chemistry
SMARTS : Vinpocetine : Chemistry
Sun Apr 1, 2001 #
SMARTS : Selegiline (Deprenyl) : Chemistry
SMARTS : Selegiline (Deprenyl) : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 31, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 27, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Inhalants : Confusion between Nitrites and Nitrates
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Wild Mushroom Identification Warning
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 25, 2001 #
PHARMACEUTICALS : Carisoprodol (Soma)
PHARMACEUTICALS : Carisoprodol (Soma) : Chemistry
PSYCHOACTIVES : Media : Adventures Through Inner Space, by Erik Davis
PHARMACEUTICALS : Carisoprodol (Soma) : Image Vault
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 24, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : The Nexus Factor, by Abu
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : 2C-B and Alcohol, a Collection of Comments
CULTURE : Characters : Terence McKenna : Terence McKenna's Last Trip, by Erik Davis
New Ask Erowid Answers
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 20, 2001 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Atley's Writ of Certiorari to US Supreme Court
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Iowa vs. Atley (law)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Fiske vs. Florida (law)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Overview of U.S. State Mushroom Cases (law)
New Ask Erowid Answers
Mon Mar 19, 2001 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Spanish Translation of Psilocybe Mushroom FAQ
Fri Mar 16, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 13, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 8, 2001 #
ASK EROWID : Can Mescaline Kill?
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 6, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 5, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Ayahuasca Cookbook
CULTURE : Dennis McKenna : Dennis McKenna Interview
LIBRARY : Altered State : Book Review
LIBRARY : Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts : Book Review
LIBRARY : The Secret Chief : Book Review
New Ask Erowid Answers
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 4, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Mar 2, 2001 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Dose : Liquid Measuring Technique
New Experience Reports
Tue Feb 27, 2001 #
BOOKS : Drug Facts and Comparisons
BOOKS : Pursuit of Ecstasy
BOOKS : Ecstasy: Its History and Lore
BOOKS : The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Drugs and Pregnancy
BOOKS : The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Amphetamines
BOOKS : The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: PCP
BOOKS : Absinthe: History in a Bottle
BOOKS : Ayahuasca Visions
BOOKS : High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs
BOOKS : DMT: The Spirit Molecule
BOOKS : Complete Drug Reference
BOOKS : Review : Ecstasy: Its History and Lore
Experience : 'Mmm...Chocolate' by Lixity ( Chocolate (Easter bunny and Chocolate chips) )
Ask Erowid : what does it mean when something is converted to a freebase?Can you smoke a pure compound without converting it to a freebase? what are common ways to convert a substance like say 5-Meo-Dipt to a freebase?
Ask Erowid : I was wondering if coca tea is legal in the United States?
Ask Erowid : Is rhododendron psychoactive? A long time ago I smoked a rhododendrun leaf and got very intoxicated. I was also stoned and drunk at the time but this seemed much stronger. I wanted to try it again without the alcohol and cannabis but some people say it is
Ask Erowid : It has been 9 days since my last (and VERY FRIGHTENING) 2C-T-7 trip, and I still notice some effects of the drug--at least once a day walls breathe, I hear evil voices 40% of my waking hours, I see (very vividly) evil images with my eyes closed, and I fea
Ask Erowid : Is it dangerous to mix GHB with MDMA? One of my friends does no research whatsoever before he mixes 2 different substances.
Ask Erowid : Will the THC crystallize if you boil the liquid out of hash oil?
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 25, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 24, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 23, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 21, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 16, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 14, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 12, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 11, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 10, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : New LSD Blotter Images
ASK EROWID : Can I get high from bong water?
ASK EROWID : What is Coca paste?
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 5, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 1,4-butanediol
CHEMICALS : 1,4-butanediol : Images
CHEMICALS : 1,4-butanediol : Chemistry
Sun Feb 4, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 3, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 1, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 31, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 28, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : Methaqualone (Quaaludes) : Main Vault
CHEMICALS : Methaqualone (Quaaludes) : Timeline
CHEMICALS : Methaqualone (Quaaludes) : Law
ASK EROWID : What's in pills marked '54 543' and '890'?
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 25, 2001 #
BOOKS : Organic Chemistry
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 23, 2001 #
IMAGE : Nitrous Oxide : Nitrous Oxide Hardware Collage
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 20, 2001 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : NMR Results (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DiPT : NMR Results (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis Leaf Image Drive
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Chocolate Dipped Mushrooms
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 18, 2001 #
Calendar Events
NOOTROPICS : Hydergine Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 15, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 14, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 10, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 9, 2001 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 3, 2001 #