Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
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What's New at Erowid
Jan 01 1999 to Dec 31 1999
Fri Dec 31, 1999 #
Thu Dec 30, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Books : Be Still and Know
LIBRARY : Books : Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers
LIBRARY : Books : Journey to the Island of the Sun
LIBRARY : Books : The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion
LIBRARY : Books : The Mastery of Consciousness
LIBRARY : Books : The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Perennials
PLANTS : Datura : Timeline
Tue Dec 28, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Timeline
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Timeline
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Timeline
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Timeline
LIBRARY : Books : The World Encyclopedia of Cacti and Succulents
LIBRARY : Books : Mosby's Medical Drug Reference
LIBRARY : Books : Present Knowledge in Nutrition
LIBRARY : Books : The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Wine, Beer, Spirits, and Liqueurs
Sun Dec 26, 1999 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Exp - A Bad Trip for Eight Years
Sat Dec 25, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Exp - Cocaine Kid
Thu Dec 16, 1999 #
PLANTS : Stipa robusta : Journal Article #1
Wed Dec 15, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Exp - 1,4-Butanediol Toxicity?
Tue Dec 14, 1999 #
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Exp - A Bad Experience witha Household Spice
Mon Dec 13, 1999 #
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Exp - Something Looming Beneath
Wed Dec 8, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Exp - A Conversation with a Spirit
Tue Dec 7, 1999 #
Wed Dec 1, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Exp - Maybe I'm An Addict
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Media Articles
Tue Nov 30, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Cathinone
CHEMICALS : AET : Journal References
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Ceremony Recording #1
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Ceremony Recording #2
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Ceremony Recording #3
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Ceremony Recording #4
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Ceremony Recording #5
CHEMICALS : Cathinone : Journal References
CHEMICALS : Cathinone : Exp - Quick Description
Mon Nov 29, 1999 #
HERBS : Feverfew : Image Vault
HERBS : Valerian : Image Vault
Sun Nov 28, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Exp - Can't Bring Me Down
Sat Nov 27, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Exp - Spinning Consciousness
Wed Nov 24, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Exp - Continued Spatial And Mental Distortions
Tue Nov 23, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Exp - Soaring to Higher Orbits
Sun Nov 21, 1999 #
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Exp - Nutmeg Shit Me Up
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Effects of Nutmeg
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Timeline
Fri Nov 19, 1999 #
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Exp - My Kingdom for a Tranquilizer
Thu Nov 18, 1999 #
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Exp - Entombed in a Bathroom
Tue Nov 16, 1999 #
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose : Exp - 1st Time Tripping
Sun Nov 14, 1999 #
HERBS : Galangal : Exp - A Collection of Galangal Experiences
Sat Nov 13, 1999 #
PLANTS : Datura : Exp - Naked Delusional Cleaning
Fri Nov 12, 1999 #
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Experience #18
Tue Nov 9, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Calculating Dosages
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Index of Media Articles
PLANTS : Cannabis : Index of Media Articles
Sat Nov 6, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : LSD : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : MDMA : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : News and Media Articles
PLANTS : Amanitas : Articles and Writings
Fri Nov 5, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Journal Articles and Abstracts
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Amphetamines Activate a Task-Specific Response
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : GHB : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : Heroin : News and Media Articles
CHEMICALS : Inhalants : Journal Articles and Abstracts
CHEMICALS : Piperazines : Journal Articles and Abstracts
PHARMS : Kids Are Suffering Legal Drug Abuse
Mon Nov 1, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : DMT : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : LSD : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : Methamphetamine : Index of Writings
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Index of Writings
PLANTS : Anandenanthera (Yopo)
PLANTS : Psychotria
PLANTS : Mimosa
PLANTS : Genus/Species Index
PLANTS : Anandenanthera (Yopo) : Image Vault
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Image Vault
PLANTS : Ergot : Image Vault
PLANTS : Iboga : Image Vault
PLANTS : Mimosa : Image Vault
PLANTS : Psychotria : Image Vault
PLANTS : Stipa : Image Vault
Sun Oct 31, 1999 #
PLANTS : Coffea arabica
PLANTS : Coffea arabica : Image Vault
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Image Vault
Sat Oct 30, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
CHEMICALS : Paroxetine (Paxil)
CHEMICALS : Piperazines
CHEMICALS : Citalopram (Celexa)
CHEMICALS : Clonazepam (Klonopin) : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Fluoxetine (Prozac) : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Meth : Media Article #1 (Yaba)
CHEMICALS : Methylphenidate (Ritalin) : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Paroxetine (Paxil) : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Piperazines : Basic Info
CHEMICALS : Sertraline (Zoloft) : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Temazepam (Restoril) : Image Vault
PLANTS : Passion Flower
PLANTS : Echinacea : Image Vault
PLANTS : Ephedra : Image Vault
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Image Vault
Fri Oct 29, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-2 : Law
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : You're Carrying Cocaine in your Wallet
LIBRARY : Online Books : Legal Highs, by Adam Gottlieb
PLANTS : Lagochilus
PLANTS : Lagochilus : Image Vault
PLANTS : Poppy : Timeline
Wed Oct 27, 1999 #
FREEDOM : DEA : DEA Federal Register Entries 1993-1995
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Image Vault
Mon Oct 25, 1999 #
ADDICTION : On the Nature of Addiction
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Law
PHARMS : Amitriptyline : Image Vault
PHARMS : Clonidine : Image Vault
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine : Image Vault
PHARMS : Diazepam : Image Vault
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Law
PHARMS : Lorazepam : Image Vault
POLICY : Dear Abby on Drug Legalization
POLICY : Twelve Reasons to Legalize Drugs
POLICY : Legalize Drugs : It's a Way to Reduce Crime
POLICY : Ain't Nobody's Business
POLICY : An Anti-Prohibition Article
POLICY : An Argument Towards Legalization
Tue Oct 19, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine
CHEMICALS : 4-methylaminorex : Pseudo FAQ
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Caffeine Analogs
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Random Cocaine Bits
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Placenta Barriers to Cocaine
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Basic Crack Info
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Cocaine Tainted Cash Faulted as Evidence
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Change in Ephedrine Legal Status
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Adverse Events Associated with Ephedrine-Containing Products
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Basic Ephedrine Info
FREEDOM : Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Examples of Unjust Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Bureau of Justice Assistance, Guide to Civil Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Supreme Court Ruling on Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Another Supreme Court Ruling on Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Forfeiture Article
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Freedom Lost
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Drug Agents' Guide to Forfeiture of Assets
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Analysis of a Forfeiture Reform Bill
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Presumed Guilty
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Scott Raid Follow-up
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Seized Property in Crime Cases Causes Concern
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Seizure Horror Story
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Seizure Out of Control
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Unreasonable Seizure
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : Supreme Court Ruling Limiting Forfeiture
FREEDOM : Forfeiture : What Price This War?
PLANTS : Cannabis : South American Cannabis Laws
PLANTS : Cannabis : South Australia Cannabis Laws
PLANTS : Coca : Coca Leaf Pudding
PLANTS : Khat : Methcathinone: A New and Potent Amphetamine-like Agent
PLANTS : Khat : The Effects of Methcathinone on the American Speed Freak
PLANTS : Khat : Basic Khat Info
PLANTS : Yerba Mate : Yerba Mate Description
PLANTS : Yohimbe : Basic Info
PSYCHAOCTIVES : Law : 1995 - Colorado Industrial Hemp Bill
PSYCHAOCTIVES : Law : 1997 - Oregon Cannabis Tax Act
PSYCHAOCTIVES : Law : 1993 - Oregon Cannabis Control Act
PSYCHAOCTIVES : Law : Oregon Cannabis Tax Act Brochure
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Exp - Devastating False Positive
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : How to Respond to a Drug Test
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Detection Times
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Beating the Test
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Drug Testing is a Bust
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Drugs of Abuse and Their Detection in Urine
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Horror Stories of Drugs in the Workplace Don't Hold Up
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Impairment Testing Info
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Drug Testing, Is It Worth It?
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Fooling the Bladder Cops
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : How to Pass a Piss Test
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Pissing Away
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Test Your Government, Not Your Urine
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Visine Might Cause False Negatives
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Why Restrict Private Drug Testing?
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Summary of Hoover Resolution
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Speech Supporting Hoover Resolution
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Arguments Against Hoover Resolution
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Signators of the Hoover Resolution
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Background of Hoover Resolution
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : 1994California Hemp Initiative
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : 1994 Colorado Hemp Initiative
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Are Ballot Initiatives Worthwhile?
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : 1993 Washington Marijuana Initiative
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Controlled Substance Act of 1970
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : Illegal Drug Tax Explanation
PSYCHOACTIVES : Needle Exchange : AIDS, Needles, and Minorities
PSYCHOACTIVES : Needle Exchange : Needle Exchange Program Fact Sheet
PSYCHOACTIVES : Needle Exchange : Info About Needle Exchange Video
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : Review of Existing DARE Evaluations
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : Studies Find Drug Program Not Effective
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : 1993 DARE Evaluation
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : More on DARE
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : The Dark Side of DARE
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : DARE Study
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : Green Panthers on DARE
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : DARE Journal Reference
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition : Parents Against DARE
Mon Oct 18, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 4-methylaminorex : U4EA Basic Info
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Amphetamines, Cocaine, A New Link
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : How Does Caffeine Work?
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Exp - Caffeine Overdose Experience
CHEMICALS : LAW : WHO Request for Info on 8 Chemicals
CHEMICALS : Meth : Built For Speed
CULTURE : Characters : Lester Grinspoon Article
PLANTS : Cannabis : 10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Marijuana
PLANTS : Cannabis : Three Things Marijuana Doesn't Do
PLANTS : Cannabis : Amotivational Syndrome
PLANTS : Cannabis : First Evidence of Medicinal Use
PLANTS : Cannabis : New Scientist Article on Anandamide
PLANTS : Cannabis : THC Calculator
PLANTS : Cannabis : Acute Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow After Smoking Marijuana
PLANTS : Cannabis : Indian Hemp Drug Commission
PLANTS : Cannabis : Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church Article
PLANTS : Cannabis : Marijuana Myths, by Paul Hager
PLANTS : Cannabis : Sinsemilla Basics
PLANTS : Cannabis : Alcohol vs. Cannabis Impairment
PLANTS : Cannabis : Moldy Marijuana
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabinoids and Appetite Stimulation
PLANTS : Cannabis : The human toxicity of marijuana: a critique of a review
PLANTS : Cannabis : Marijuana Safer than Tobacco
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis Potency
PLANTS : Cannabis : Scientists at NCTR Find Little to Support Dangers of Pot
PLANTS : Cannabis : Basic Rastafarian Info
PLANTS : Cannabis : Resin vs. THC Content
PLANTS : Cannabis : Better Cannabis than Crack
PLANTS : Cannabis : Skunk Power
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis vs. Tobacco as Cancer Causing Agents
PLANTS : Cannabis : THC Chemistry References
PLANTS : Cannabis : George Washington's Cannabis Growing
PLANTS : Cannabis : Bhang Recipe
PLANTS : Cannabis : Blunts
PLANTS : Cannabis : CannaButter: The Building Block of Cannabis Cooking
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis Cookies
PLANTS : Cannabis : Preparing Cannabis for Eating
PLANTS : Cannabis : Isomerising CNB to THC
PLANTS : Cannabis : Majoon Recipe
PLANTS : Cannabis : Marijuana Beer
PLANTS : Cannabis : How to Roll a Joint
PLANTS : Cannabis : How to Smoke Hash
PLANTS : Cannabis : Smoking Etiquette
PLANTS : Cannabis : Basic Cannabis Smoking Guide
PLANTS : Tobacco : Cigarettes and Lung Cancer
Sun Oct 17, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Abinsthe Info
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : How to Build a Still
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : FDA Warns Against Ephedrine
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Scheduling Change Recommendation
CHEMICALS : MDMA : 1992 MDMA Neurotoxicity Update
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ecstasy -Fueled Parties Become Dances of Death (JAMA)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : The Complications of ' Ecstasy' (JAMA Correction)
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Dutch MDMA Analysis
CHEMICALS : MDMA : E for Enlightenment
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Tips for Using E Safely
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Discussion of 1995 MDMA Death
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ecstasy in the U.K.
CHEMICALS : MDMA : MDMA use in N.W. England
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Pathology of deaths associated with 'ecstasy'
CHEMICALS : MDMA : FDA Allows Human MDMA Research
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ecstasy - a dose of generation X
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Responses to L-Tryptophan in MDMA Users
CHEMICALS : MDMA : MDMA Neurotoxicity Journal Response
CHEMICALS : MDMA : MDMA and Water Intoxication
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Basic Info (Deutch)
CHEMICALS : Other : Basic Sodium Pentathol Info
CHEMICALS : Other : Water Intoxication
CHEMICALS : SSRIs : SSRI Neurochemistry
CULTURE : Characters : JFK's Drug Use?
CULTURE : Communities : Christiania
FREEDOM : DEA : How the DEA Operates
FREEDOM : DEA : How to Spot Narcs
FREEDOM : Police : What to Do if Stopped by the Police
FREEDOM : Police : More of What to Do if Stopped by the Police
FREEDOM : Police : Police Encounters in Airports
HERBS : Cloves
HERBS : Cloves : Smoke Thickens over Clove Cigarette Inhalation Study
HERBS : Other : Miracle Berries
HERBS : Other : Capsicum High
PHARMACEUTICALS : How to Buy Pharmaceuticals in Thailand
PHARMACEUTICALS : Tricyclic Antidepressants
PLANTS : Datura : Tropane Alkaloids
PLANTS : Other : Rauwolfia Serpentina : Basic Info
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Relative Addiction Potentials of Various Drugs
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : An Evolving Definition of Addiction
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Peter McDermott's Do-It-Yourself Detox
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : McDermott's Guide to Drug Treatment
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : The Structure of the Atom
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : Bonding and Structures
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : Plant Extractions
PSYCHOACTIVES : Experiences : Exp - Cannabis, Codeine, Nutmeg, and Nitrous
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQ : New Bibliography FAQ
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQ : Clandestine Chemistry Primer / FAQ
PSYCHOACTIVES : Media : Choose Your Poison
PSYCHOACTIVES : Media : The New View From On High
PSYCHOACTIVES : Statistics : Misc Drug Use Statistics
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Correlation Between Drug Use and Intellectual Climate
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Drug Use and Personal Growth
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Our Drug Using Culture
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : A Guide to Drugs in Europe
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Legal Drugs
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Sending Drugs Through the Mail
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : A Day at Dr. Shulgin's Home
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Street Drug Slang
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Why Drug Free?
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Why We Get High
SMARTS : Will of Nature - Smart Drug Zine
SMARTS : Herbal Ecstasy : Herbal Ecstasy Comments, by Nicholas Saunders
SMARTS : Herbal Ecstasy : Herbal Ecstasy Ad
SMARTS : Herbal MDMA : Cloud9
SPIRIT : Devices : Mind Machines
Sat Oct 16, 1999 #
ANIMALS : Psychoactive Fish : General Info
HERBS : Calamus : Info on Psychoactive Properties
HERBS : Valerian : Exp - A Collection of Experiences
HERBS : Valerian : Basic Info
PLANTS : Miscellaneous Natural Psychedelics
PLANTS : Betel : Betel Chewing Tips
PLANTS : Calea zacatechichi : Brief Info
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Joy of an Herb Garden at Home
PLANTS : Cannabis : Dutch Grow Guide
PLANTS : Cannabis : The New Grower's Guide
PLANTS : Cannabis : Warning about Power Consumption
PLANTS : Cannabis : Jolly Roger's Guide to Growing Marijuana
PLANTS : Cannabis : Anarchists Cookbook Grow Guide
PLANTS : Cannabis : A Tale of Two Gardens
PLANTS : Cannabis : Judge Young's 1988 DEA Scheduling Recommendation
PLANTS : Cannabis : DEA Ruling on Medical MJ
PLANTS : Cannabis : Medical Marijuana, The Last Smoke
PLANTS : Cannabis : Interview about THC
PLANTS : Cannabis : Medical MJ Journal References
PLANTS : Cannabis : Medicine Man
PLANTS : Cannabis : Medical MJ References
PLANTS : Cannabis : Article about Oncologists Survey
PLANTS : Coleus : Basic Preparation Info
PLANTS : Datura : General Info
PLANTS : Hemp : Hemp: An Amazing Plant
PLANTS : Hemp : A Fashionable Joint Venture
PLANTS : Hemp : No Marihuana, Plenty of Hemp
PLANTS : Hemp : Journal Abstracts
PLANTS : Hemp : Industrial Uses for Hemp
PLANTS : Hemp : Hemp vs. Kenaf for Paper
PLANTS : Hemp : Hemp: Lifeline to the Future
PLANTS : Hemp : Hemp as Biomass Fuel?
PLANTS : Hemp : Reefer Madness
PLANTS : Hemp : Slavery in the Hemp Industry
PLANTS : Kava : General Comments
PLANTS : Nutmeg : Basic Info
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Basic Info
PLANTS : Salvia : Basic Salvia Info
Fri Oct 15, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Media #5
CHEMICALS : Heroin : General Info on Heroin and Opiates
CHEMICALS : Heroin : How to Purify Street Heroin
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Brief Info on Heroin and Methadone Addiction
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Opium Timeline
CHEMICALS : Opiates : The Pleasures of Opium
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Assassins
PLANTS : Cannabis : Marijuana Harvest FAQ
PLANTS : Cannabis : How to Help a Dying Plant
PLANTS : Cannabis : Nomadic, Clandestine, Hydroponic Garden
PLANTS : Cannabis : How to Build Your Own Hydroponic Garden
PLANTS : Cannabis : Miscellaneous Growing Tips
PLANTS : Poppies : Harvesting Opium from Poppies
PLANTS : Poppies : Experience #1
Thu Oct 14, 1999 #
ANIMALS : Psychoactive Toads : General Info
ANIMALS : Psychoactive Toads : The Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert
ANIMALS : Psychoactive Toads : Toad Toxins
CHEMICALS : AET : AET Journal Abstracts
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : The Ayahuasca-Alien Connection
CHEMICALS : Ayhausca : Allen Ginsberg Seeking Yage
CHEMICALS : Bufotenin : General Info
CHEMICALS : DMT : DMT and DET Synthesis
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Heroin cut with Scopolamine
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Tips for Safe Shooting
CHEMICALS : Inhalants : Basic Amyl Nitrite (Rush) Info
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Info-E Rave Flyer
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Experience #4
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Famous Nitrous Users
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Nitrous Dangers
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Basic Info
CHEMICALS : Opiates : McDermotts Guide to the Depressant Drugs
CHEMICALS : Other : Some Notes on Quaaludes
CHEMICALS : Other : MPTP Contaminated Designer Drugs
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : Declaration of Evolution
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : David Byrne Interview with Leary
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : 8 Circuit Model of Consciousness
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : Using LSD to Imprint the Tibetan-Buddhist Experience
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : How to Deal with Doubters of Drug Use
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : Concord Prison Psilocybin Project
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : Review of Chaos and Cyber Culture
CULTURE : Characters : Leary : Review of Politics of Ecstasy
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Tryptamines, Hallucinogens and Consciousness
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Alien Dreamtime Lyrics
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : The Oversoul as Saucer, exceprt from True Hallucinations
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : New Maps of Hyperspace
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : The Non-Ordinary Conhibition Rhetoric of Terence McKenna
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Interview in SF Chronicle
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : High Times Interview with Terence
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Terence McKenna Interview, by Gracie and Zarkov
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Re: Evolution
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : McKenna Article from The Independant
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : 'Food of the Gods' Review by Schultes
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Time and Mind
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Annotated McKenna Bibliography
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Another McKenna Bibliography
CULTURE : Characters : McKenna : Words with the Sham Man
LIBRARY : Online Books : The Psychedelic Experience
LIBRARY : Online Books : Pharmacotheon Proemium
LIBRARY : Online Books : Future Synthetic Drugs of Abuse
PHARMS : Rohypnol : Basic Usenet Info
PLANTS : Desmanthus illinoensis
PLANTS : Caapi
PLANTS : Desmanthus illinoensis : Basic Identification
PLANTS : Desmanthus illinoensis : Image Vault
PLANTS : Phalaris : Smokeable DMT From Organic sources
Wed Oct 13, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : A Collection of Experiences
PLANTS : Misc Psychoactive Plants
PLANTS : Amanitas : A. phalloides Info
PLANTS : Amanitas : More General Info on Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Cubensis Mycelial Culture Technique
PLANTS : Mushrooms : How to Grow Psilocybe Mushrooms
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilly Simon's Mushroom Growing Guide
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilocybin Producers Guide
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Misc Shroom Growing Info
PLANTS : Mushrooms : General PF-Tek Tips
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Brief Baeocystin Info
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Mushrooms and Man
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Field Guide to the Psilocybin Mushrooms
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Astoria Ossip Alkaloid Content
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Different Psilocybe Species
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Identifying Magic Mushrooms
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilocybe semilanceata hunting
PLANTS : Other : Canna Info
PSYCHOACTIVES : How to Talk Someone Down
PSYCHOACTIVES : How to Avoid a Bad Trip
PSYCHOACTIVES : Sex, Ecstasy, and the Psychedelic Drugs (1967)
Tue Oct 12, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Acid Dreams - Chapter 1
CHEMICALS : LSD : The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA
CHEMICALS : LSD : Low dose References
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD and the Army in the 60's
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD and Chromosomes
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD and Color Blindness
CHEMICALS : LSD : 1970's Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD and Psychosis
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD Purity Discussion
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD References
CHEMICALS : LSD : Experience 11
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD Use on the Rise
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD and Anti-depressants
CHEMICALS : LSD : Dock Ellis's 1970 No-Hitter
CHEMICALS : LSD : The Psychological Effects of LSD
CHEMICALS : LSD : Myth: LSD Users Go Blind Staring at Sun
LIBRARY : Acid Dreams Review
LIBRARY : LSD, Still With Us After All These Years Review
LIBRARY : Test Tube Murders Review
PLANTS : Ergot : Cultivation and Extraction
PSYCHOACTIVES : Psychoactive Rules
Mon Oct 11, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Blotter Art
PLANTS : Syrian Rue
PLANTS : Ergot
PLANTS : Cacti : Visionary Cactus Guide
PLANTS : Cacti : The Cactus Growers Guide
PLANTS : Cacti : Cactus Growering Tips
PLANTS : Cacti : San Pedro Dosage Discussion
PLANTS : Ergot : References
PLANTS : Ergot : Alkaloids
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose : Cultivation
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose : Woodrose vs Ipomoea Alkaloids
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Collection of Experiences
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Extraction of LSA (method #1)
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Misc Info about Seeds
PLANTS : Peyote : Navajo Peyote Use: Its Apparent Safety
PLANTS : Sleepy Grass : Article
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : The Isolation of Harmine and Harmaline
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Three Beta-Carboline Containing Plants
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Combining Syrian Rue and Mushrooms
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Beta-carboline Binding Site
Sat Oct 9, 1999 #
PLANTS : Cacti : Peruvian San Pedro Use
PLANTS : Coca : Timeline
Fri Oct 8, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : The Ketamine Konundrum
Wed Oct 6, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Timeline
LIBRARY : Music : New Selection of Music
PLANTS : Peyote : Timeline
Mon Oct 4, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Absinthe Timeline
PLANTS : Cacti
PLANTS : Cacti : Images
PLANTS : Cacti : San Pedro Preparation
Sat Oct 2, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Terminology
PLANTS : Cannabis : Timeline
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Timeline
Mon Sep 27, 1999 #
PLANTS : Cacao : Images
Sun Sep 26, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Image Vault
PLANTS : Peyote
PLANTS : Wormwood : Image Vault
Thu Sep 23, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Robitussin Information
CHEMICALS : DXM : A Collection of Experiences
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Info #1
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Ketamine for Worms
CHEMICALS : PCP : Information
CHEMICALS : PCP : Miscellaneous Info
LIBRARY : Angel Dust: What Everyone Should Know about PCP
PLANTS : Phalaris Grass
PLANTS : Phalaris : Image Vault
PLANTS : Phalaris : FAQ
PLANTS : Phalaris : Journal Articles
PLANTS : Phalaris : Extract
Mon Sep 13, 1999 #
LIBRARY : The Shaman
Thu Aug 26, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : AMT : Journal Articles
CHEMICALS : AMT : Journal Article #1
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Copelandia and Other Psychoactive Fungi in Hawaii
Sun Aug 22, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DOM : Experience #1
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Home Cannabis Cultivator
Sat Aug 21, 1999 #
PLANTS : Kratom : Kratom Vault
PLANTS : Kratom : Journal Article #1
Fri Aug 20, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Image Vault
PLANTS : Acacia : Acacia Vault
PLANTS : Acacia : Acacia Image Vault
PLANTS : Acacia : Extraction of DMT from Acacia maidenii
Thu Aug 19, 1999 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Journal Article #5
Wed Aug 18, 1999 #
New Psychoactives Directory
Tue Jul 20, 1999 #
CULTURE : Characters : Barry McCaffrey
Sun Jul 18, 1999 #
PLANTS : Salvia : Trip Report #17
Thu Jul 15, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Addiction
CHEMICALS : GHB : Addiction Report #3
Tue Jul 13, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Herbalism
LIBRARY : Sex and Spirit
LIBRARY : The Essential Koran
LIBRARY : The Outlaw's Bible
Sun Jul 11, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Journal Article #2
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Journal Abstract #2
Fri Jul 9, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Ketamine and Quantum Psychology
Tue Jun 29, 1999 #
CULTURE : Characters : Carlos Castaneda
Mon Jun 28, 1999 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Journal #5
Sun Jun 27, 1999 #
PLANTS : Amanitas : Divine Mushroom of Immortality
PLANTS : Amanitas : Excerpt on A. muscaria from 'The Hallucinogens'
PLANTS : Amanitas : General Info on Amanitas
Sat Jun 26, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Main Vault
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Effects
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Exp - Methoxy May
SPIRIT : Traditions : Baha'i Faith
Fri Jun 25, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : High Dose 2C-B Trip, by Gracie and Zarkov
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Phenalkylamine Article List
CHEMICALS : Khat : Methcathinone FAQ
CHEMICALS : LSD : Blue Start Tattoo FAQ
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Opioids FAQ
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Opioid Analgesics FAQ
PSYCHOACTIVES : Cannabis : Cannabis Laws FAQ
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQs : FAQ - Bibliography
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQs : alt.drugs FAQ 1.0
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQs : alt.drugs FAQ 0.9
PSYCHOACTIVES : FAQs : Australian Natural Highs FAQ (supplement)
Sun Jun 13, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Online Books : Magic Mushrooms of Australia and New Zealand
Tue Jun 1, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Experience #8
Sun May 23, 1999 #
PLANTS : Amanitas : Experience #7
Sat May 22, 1999 #
PLANTS : Mandrake
PLANTS : Mandrake : Images
Fri May 21, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Online Books : Full text of Online TiHKAL !
Mon May 17, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DMT : Experience #7
Mon May 10, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Speedball Warning
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : News Article #1
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : The Grinder, The Powerful Woman, The Monkey Tribe, and Me
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Journal Abstract #10
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Ibogaine and Drug Tests
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Is This Root A Real Cure For Heroin Addiction?
Sun May 9, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-2 : Dose
CHEMICALS : AMT : Experience #4
Fri May 7, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Effects
CHEMICALS : Amphetamine : Effects
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Letter to the Editor about Neurotoxicity Study, by Karl Jansen
CHEMICALS : MDMA : MDMA and Drug Testing
Thu May 6, 1999 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Hash Honey Oil Technique
PLANTS : Psychoactive Amanitas : Another Reason to Stick to Manmade Drugs
Sun May 2, 1999 #
BURNINGMAN : New Burning Man FAQ!
Wed Apr 28, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Experience #7
PLANTS : Amanitas : When Gods Drank Urine
Mon Apr 26, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Exp - Acknowledgement of Beauty
PLANTS : Mushrooms : A dozen new photos of a variety of species by John W. Allen
Fri Apr 2, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Periodicals : Psychedelic Illuminations
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Index of Articles
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Close Encounters of the Panaeolus Kind
Tue Mar 30, 1999 #
CULTURE : Character Vaults : Stephen Gaskin
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : Chemical Isomers Lesson
Mon Mar 29, 1999 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Updated FAQ v 3.002
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Content in various Beverages
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Journal articles and abstracts
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Journal Article #1
HERBS : Lotus : Journal Article Index
HERBS : Lotus : Journal Article #1
HERBS : Lotus : Journal Article #2
HERBS : Lotus : Journal Article #3
PLANTS : Cannabis : Journal Article #8
Sun Mar 28, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Basics
FREEDOM : Am I Under Arrest? Am I Free to Go? Talking to Police in Modern America
FREEDOM : Police : Talking to Cops
FREEDOM : Police : Interacting with Police, by a mother
HERBS : Poppy : Article #1
HERBS : Voacanga africana : Experience #1
PHARMACEUTICALS : Acetaminophen : Main Vault
PHARMACEUTICALS : Sertraline : Main Vault
Sat Mar 27, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-2 : Experience #1
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Law
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Article #1
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Journal Articles and Abstracts
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : New Images
Fri Mar 5, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Amazon Healer
Tue Feb 23, 1999 #
LIBRARY : Online Books
LIBRARY : Periodicals : News
LIBRARY : Periodicals : Magazines
Sat Feb 20, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Journal Abstract #2
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Abstract #2
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Abstract #3
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Abstract #4
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Abstract #5
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Abstract #6
PLANTS : Cannabis : Journal Abstract #7
Wed Feb 17, 1999 #
PLANTS : MAOIs : Journal Articles Index
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Journal Article Index
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Journal Article 3
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Journal Article 4
PLANTS : Salvia : Journal Articles Index
PLANTS : Tobacco : Journal ARticles Index
PLANTS : Tobacco : Journal Abstract 2
Tue Feb 16, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DOB : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : DXM : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : GHB : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : LSD : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Journal Articles Index
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Journal Articles Index
PLANTS : Kava : Journal Articles Index
Mon Feb 15, 1999 #
SPIRIT : Yoga : Psychedelic Yoga
Tue Feb 9, 1999 #
HERBS : Ma Huang : Ephedrine molecule
HERBS : Ma Huang : Pseudoephedrine molecule
Mon Feb 8, 1999 #
FREEDOM : Jury Nullification : Wash. Post Article
Thu Feb 4, 1999 #
SUBMISSIONS : Article Submissions
SUBMISSIONS : Experience Report Submissions
SUBMISSIONS : Image Submissions
Sun Jan 31, 1999 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : News and Media
PSYCHOACTIVES : Health, Medicine and Research
Sat Jan 30, 1999 #
Tue Jan 26, 1999 #
LINKS : Reciprocal Link Submissions
Sun Jan 24, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : DPT : Experience #8
Sat Jan 23, 1999 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-2 : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : Bufotenin : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : LSD : Adverse Reactions to LSD
LIBRARY : Journals : The Journal of the American Medical Association
LIBRARY : Journals : Psychiatry
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Persistent Hallucinosis Following Repeated Administration of Hallucinogenic Drugs