Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Donations $20 - $3,000 DOUBLED in September!
What's New at Erowid
Jan 01 1998 to Dec 31 1998
Wed Dec 30, 1998 #
HERBS : Morning Glory : Images
Mon Dec 28, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Chemistry
LIBRARY : Books : The Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens
Fri Dec 18, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DPT : Experience #5
Sun Dec 13, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Sweetness and Power
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana Growers Guide
LIBRARY : Books : Narcotic Plants of the Old World
LIBRARY : Books : Flesh of the Gods
LIBRARY : Books : Tobacco and Shamanism in South America
LIBRARY : Books : Persephone's Quest
LIBRARY : Books : Vine of the Soul
LIBRARY : Books : Hashish!
LIBRARY : Books : Ur-ine Trouble
LIBRARY : Books : Plants of Love
Sat Dec 12, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Magic Mushrooms Around the World
Fri Dec 11, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : Dozens of new chime models added
Tue Dec 8, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Online Books : TiKHAL Index
Thu Dec 3, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : AMT : Experience #2
Wed Dec 2, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : GHB and the Law in Sweden
PLANTS : Amanitas : Experience #5
Mon Nov 30, 1998 #
Sun Nov 29, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Drug Testing
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Drug Testing
Sun Nov 22, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DPT : Experience #3
CHEMICALS : GHB : Renutrient Comments
CULTURE : Burning Man : Images from '96
CULTURE : Character Vaults : Harry Anslinger
Tue Nov 17, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Ethnobotany Vault
PSYCHOACTIVES : Ethnobotany : Ethnobotany and Economic Botany of the North American Flora
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings on Psychedelics : Perilous Play, by Louisa May Alcott
Mon Nov 16, 1998 #
Sat Nov 14, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DPT : Experience 2
CULTURE : Health (GHB) : Cheynes-Stokes Breathing Abstract
Fri Nov 13, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Santo Daime Use of Ayahuasca
CHEMICALS : GHB : JAMA article (May 1997)
PLANTS : Salvia : Experience #15
Thu Nov 12, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : House of Lords Report
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendices
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendix 1
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendix 2
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendix 3
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendix 4
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Appendix 5
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Findings
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : History
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Intro
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Law
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Medical Use
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Pain
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Pharmacology
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Press Release
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Recreational
PLANTS : Cannabis : Lord's Report : Toxic Effects
Wed Nov 11, 1998 #
EXPERIENCES : Complete revision of Experiences Vault
Sun Nov 8, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Psychedelic Crisis FAQ Revision 1.1
Fri Nov 6, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Chemistry : Chem Compare
Thu Nov 5, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Info on Ricaurte Neurotoxicity Study
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Text of Study
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Article 1
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Article 2
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Press Release
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Comment 3
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Comment 4
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Comment 5
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Comment 6
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Data Interpretation
Wed Nov 4, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DPT : Chemistry
Tue Nov 3, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : 1998 State Medical Marijuana Election Results
Mon Nov 2, 1998 #
FREEDOM : States : Added links to all U.S. State Home Pages
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Analysis of Societal Costs
Thu Oct 29, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Alcohol Withdrawal Assessment
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Image Vault
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
PHARMS : Codeine : Image Vault
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction Vault
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Article 1
PSYCHOACTIVES : Addiction : Article 2
Fri Oct 16, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : TRIP Magazine
Sat Oct 10, 1998 #
CULTURE : Animals : Hummingbird Nectar Recipe
Tue Oct 6, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Images : Added script to add headers and footers to all image vault
Sat Oct 3, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : New Entheogen Chemistry section
Sat Sep 26, 1998 #
HERBS : Datura : Datura, The Temptress
SPIRIT : Buddhism : Under the Bo Tree
SPIRIT : Buddhism : The Four Truths
SPIRIT : Buddhism : The Eightfold Path
SPIRIT : Buddhism : A Brief History
SPIRIT : Buddhism : The Buddha
Sun Sep 20, 1998 #
New and greatly improved search engine
Sat Sep 19, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Article #1
PLANTS : Voacanga africana
PLANTS : Voacanga africana : Review
Fri Sep 18, 1998 #
PLANTS : Calea zacatechichi
PLANTS : Blue Lotus
PLANTS : Blue Lily
PLANTS : Calea zacatechichi : Images
Tue Sep 15, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Moonshiners, Bootleggers and Rumrunners
LIBRARY : Books : Physicians' Desk Reference
LIBRARY : Books : The Marihuana Papers
Sat Aug 22, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Chocolate
CULTURE : Health
Wed Aug 19, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Law : WA State Paraphernalia Law
Tue Aug 18, 1998 #
CULTURE : Character Vaults : G.I. Gurdjieff
LIBRARY : Books : The Gurdjieff Work
LIBRARY : Books : The Essential Confucius
Mon Aug 17, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Cocaine Tainted Currency
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #4
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #5
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #6
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #7
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #8
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #9
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #10
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #11
CHEMICALS : GHB : Abstract #12
LIBRARY : Books : Culpeper's complete Herbal
LIBRARY : Books : Daedalus: Political Pharmacology: Thinking About Drugs
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Using Psychedelics Wisely, by Myron Stolaroff
Sun Aug 16, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Drug Experience
LIBRARY : Books : The Serpent and The Rainbow
LIBRARY : Books : Diary of a Drug Fiend
LIBRARY : Books : John Lilly, so far...
Fri Aug 14, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Media - Oakland Designates Cannabis Club Employees as 'Officers of the City'
Tue Aug 11, 1998 #
HERBS : Datura : New Datura fastuosa (metel) images
Mon Aug 10, 1998 #
CULTURE : Characters : Wade Davis
CULTURE : Characters : Thich Nhat Hanh
CULTURE : Characters : Alan Watts
Sun Aug 9, 1998 #
CULTURE : Characters Vault
CULTURE : Characters : Richard Alpert - Ram Dass
CULTURE : Characters : William Burroughs
CULTURE : Characters : Lewis Carroll
CULTURE : Characters : Aleister Crowley
CULTURE : Characters : Dalai Lama
CULTURE : Characters : Thomas de Quincey
CULTURE : Characters : Marlene Dobkin de Rios
CULTURE : Characters : Rick Doblin
CULTURE : Characters : Albert Einstein
CULTURE : Characters : Bruce Eisner
CULTURE : Characters : Allen Ginsberg
CULTURE : Characters : Peter Gorman
CULTURE : Characters : Stanislav Grof
CULTURE : Characters : Arthur Heffter
CULTURE : Characters : Jack Herer
CULTURE : Characters : Albert Hofmann
CULTURE : Characters : Michael Hollingshead
CULTURE : Characters : Aldous Huxley
CULTURE : Characters : Laura Huxley
CULTURE : Characters : William James
CULTURE : Characters : Oscar Janiger
CULTURE : Characters : Ken Kesey
CULTURE : Characters : Timothy Leary
CULTURE : Characters : John Lilly
CULTURE : Characters : Fitz Hugh Ludlow
CULTURE : Characters : Dennis McKenna
CULTURE : Characters : Terence McKenna
CULTURE : Characters : Humphry Osmond
CULTURE : Characters : Maria Sabina
CULTURE : Characters : Richard Evans Schultes
CULTURE : Characters : Alexander Shulgin
CULTURE : Characters : Ernst von Bibra
CULTURE : Characters : R. Gordon Wasson
CULTURE : Characters : Andrew Weil
CULTURE : Characters : Robert Anton Wilson
Fri Aug 7, 1998 #
PLANTS : Tobacco : Looking into the Smoker's Brain
Thu Aug 6, 1998 #
PLANTS : Salvia : Salvia and MDMA Experience
Sat Aug 1, 1998 #
ENTHEOGENS : Spirit : Xochipilli
HERBS : Sinicuichi Vault
HERBS : Sinicuichi : Cultivation Info
HERBS : Sinicuichi : Image Vault
Thu Jul 30, 1998 #
PHARMS : Alprazolam
PHARMS : Bupropion
PHARMS : Chlorpromazine
PHARMS : Clonadine
PHARMS : Clonazepam
PHARMS : Codeine
PHARMS : Diazepam
PHARMS : Fentanyl
PHARMS : Hydrocodone
PHARMS : Hydromorphone
PHARMS : Lorazepam
PHARMS : Oxycodone
PHARMS : Sertraline
PHARMS : Temazepam
PHARMS : Trazodone
PHARMS : Triazolam
Tue Jul 28, 1998 #
PLANTS : Tobacco : Legal Status
Mon Jul 27, 1998 #
Sun Jul 26, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Coca Effects
CHEMICALS : Cocaine : Cocaine and Crack Vault
CHEMICALS : DMT : How and Why to Get Off, Gracie and Zarkov
CHEMICALS : DMT : Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs, Shulgin
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis and Drug Testing
PLANTS : Coca : Coca History
PLANTS : Coca : Coca Botany
PLANTS : Coca : Coca and Drug Testing
PLANTS : Phalaris : DMT, Life, the Universe
Sat Jul 25, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Defense Products
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : How to Lie with Drug Statistics
Fri Jul 24, 1998 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : DMT and Psilocybin Research
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : Basics
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : ACLU Hair Testing Report
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Testing : ACLU Drug Testing Brief
Tue Jul 21, 1998 #
HERBS : Galanga : Image Vault
HERBS : Galanga : Info on use as a hallucinogen
Sun Jul 19, 1998 #
HERBS : Catnip : Image Vault
HERBS : Comfrey : Image Vault
LIBRARY : Books : Bhagavad-gita: As It Is
LIBRARY : Books : Journey of Awakening
LIBRARY : Books : The Wisdom of Laotse
Fri Jul 17, 1998 #
HERBS : Aloe : Image Vault
HERBS : Calendula : Image Vault
Thu Jul 16, 1998 #
PLANTS : Peyote : Botulism linked to peyote storage technique
Wed Jul 15, 1998 #
PHARMS : Dramamine : FAQ
Fri Jul 10, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : E for Enlightenment
CHEMICALS : MDMA : FDA Report on MDMA Scheduling
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ecstasy: A Human Neurotoxin?
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Rumors of Heroin-laced MDMA
CHEMICALS : MDMA : California Report on MDMA
CHEMICALS : MDMA : MDMA Neuropharmacology
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Health
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Nitrous Oxide References
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Opium Timeline
PLANTS : Cannabis : 1856 Hemp Encyclopedia Entry
PLANTS : Cannabis : 1910 Hemp Encyclopedia Entry
PLANTS : Cannabis : A Short History of Hemp
Wed Jul 8, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Anadamide Synthesis
PLANTS : Cannabis : Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use
PLANTS : Cannabis : Hash Oil
PLANTS : Cannabis : Cannabis Eating FAQ
Tue Jul 7, 1998 #
HERBS : Nutmeg : Images
PLANTS : Cannabis : FAQ
PLANTS : Cannabis : Consumption FAQ
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Assassins
PLANTS : Cannabis : Evidence Found of Ancient Marijuana Use
PLANTS : Cannabis : Orgies of the Hemp Eaters, 1895
PLANTS : Cannabis : Hemp in The History of Herodotus
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Tale of the Hashish Eater
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Tale of Two Hashish Eaters
PLANTS : Cannabis : Artificial Paradises
PLANTS : Cannabis : A Hasheesh Sonnet
PLANTS : Cannabis : The Truth About Marijuana
PLANTS : Cannabis : A Hashish Overdose
Mon Jul 6, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : FAQ
CHEMICALS : DMT : Tryptamines FAQ
HERBS : Nutmeg : Nutmeg FAQ
Sat Jul 4, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Images
HERBS : St. John's Wort
HERBS : Henbane
HERBS : Betel
HERBS : Betel : Images
HERBS : Henbane : Images
HERBS : St. John's Wort : Images
PLANTS : Ergot : Ergot Images
PLANTS : Morning Glory : Morning Glory Images
Fri Jul 3, 1998 #
HERBS : Khat
HERBS : Khat : Images
PLANTS : Cannabis : Nectar of Delight: The Early History of Cannabis
PLANTS : Cannabis : History of Medical Use
PLANTS : Salvia : Salvia Splendens Image
PSYCHOACTIVES : Images : Added a ton of new images
Thu Jul 2, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Exp - 2 Absinthe Experiences
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : The Green Goddess
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Alcohol and Calorie Content of 200 beers
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Facts About Alcohol
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Isopropyl Alcohol
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Methyl Alcohol
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : n-Butyl Alcohol
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Women and Alcohol
PLANTS : Cannabis : Excerpts from The Rastafarian
PLANTS : Cannabis : Marijuana and the Bible
PLANTS : Cannabis : Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church
PLANTS : Cannabis : Hachich Use in the Old Testament
PLANTS : Cannabis : Persiaon Hashish Discovery Myth
Wed Jul 1, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #6 - Decreased Drug Craving During Detoxification with Ibogaine
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #7 - Pharmacokinetic Disposition of Ibogaine
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #8 - Safety of Single Oral Administration
HERBS : Brugmansia
HERBS : Belladonna : Images
HERBS : Brunfelsia : Images
HERBS : Brunfelsia : Brunfelsia pilosa
HERBS : Datura : Images
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Exp - A description of the interaction between mushrooms and betel nut
PLANTS : Salvia : Images
Tue Jun 30, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Exp - A Very Intense Education
Fri Jun 26, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Images
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Images
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Images
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Images
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Images
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Images
HERBS : Brugmansia : Images
HERBS : Poppies : Images
PLANTS : Amanitas : Images
PLANTS : Cannabis : Images
PLANTS : Coca : Images
PLANTS : Kava : Images
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Images
PLANTS : Tobacco : Images
Thu Jun 25, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Indica vs Sativa
PLANTS : Syrian Rue : Peganum Harmala, by Gracie and Zarkov
PSYCHOACTIVES : Media : Book Fungus
Fri Jun 19, 1998 #
SPIRIT : Quakers
SPIRIT : Shakers
Sat Jun 6, 1998 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Species : P. cyanescens images
Fri Jun 5, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Seven Sisters of Sleep
LIBRARY : Books : Phantastica
LIBRARY : Books : The Hemp Manifesto
LIBRARY : Books : The Great Book of Hemp
PLANTS : Cannabis : Brain Chemical Works Like Marijuana
Mon Jun 1, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Study on GHB overdoses
Fri May 29, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs: Should We Legalize, Decriminalize, or Deregulate?
LIBRARY : Books : Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
LIBRARY : Books : LSD: The Consciousness-Expanding Drug
LIBRARY : Books : Wondrous Mushroom
LIBRARY : Books : Zen, Drugs and Mysticism
Thu May 28, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Hemp For Health
LIBRARY : Books : Marihuana Reconsidered
LIBRARY : Books : Marihuana Myths, Marijuana Facts
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana Question? Ask Ed
LIBRARY : Books : Opium For the Masses
LIBRARY : Books : The Peyote Cult
LIBRARY : Books : The Politics of Ecstasy
LIBRARY : Books : Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide
LIBRARY : Books : White Rabbit
Mon May 25, 1998 #
PLANTS : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Sun May 24, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice
LIBRARY : Books : Designer Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs and Beyond
Sat May 2, 1998 #
Thu Apr 30, 1998 #
PHARMS : Chlorpromazine : Using Thorazine to terminate psychedelic sessions
Wed Apr 29, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Drug Policy and Reform
Tue Apr 28, 1998 #
PLANTS : Salvia : Salvinorin A: A Note of Caution by Daniel Siebert
Sat Apr 25, 1998 #
ENTHEOGENS : Traditional Use : Notes on the Present Status of Ololiuhqui
PLANTS : Salvia : Ethnopharmacology of Ska Maria Pastora
Tue Apr 21, 1998 #
Mon Apr 20, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Essential Rumi
SPIRIT : Islam : Sufism and Whirling Dervishes
Wed Apr 15, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : State by State legal Status
Sat Apr 11, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Against Excess
LIBRARY : Books : Carlos Castaneda Series
Fri Apr 10, 1998 #
PLANTS : Peyote : Botany of Peyote
Thu Apr 9, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Visual Phenomonology of the LSD Flashback
LIBRARY : Books : LSD Psychotherapy
LIBRARY : Books : Pharmacophilia
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilocybin content of Psilocybe cyanescens and P. cubensis
Tue Apr 7, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Videos
Sun Apr 5, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Ayahuasca Healing Session
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Ayahuasca and its Mechanism of Healing
CHEMICALS : DMT : DMT Snuffs - Cohoba, Yopo and Vilva
ENTHEOGENS : Spiritual Use
ENTHEOGENS : Spiritual Use : Seeking Higher Ground
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Little Flowers of the Gods
PLANTS : Peyote : Shamanism and Peyote Use Among the Apaches
PLANTS : Salvia : A New Mexican Psychotropic Drug from the Mint Family
Thu Apr 2, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : William White's FAQ
Fri Mar 27, 1998 #
HERBS : Datura : Anticholinergenic Deliriants
Tue Mar 24, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Kava: The Pacific Elixir
LIBRARY : Books : The Ibogaine Story
Mon Mar 23, 1998 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Exposing Marijuana Myths (15 pages)
Sun Mar 22, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Exp - A Rave on Halloween
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Information on 2C-B and coughing (allergy?)
LIBRARY : Books : Indoor Marijuana Horticulture
LIBRARY : Books : Plant Intoxicants
LIBRARY : Books : Growing the Hallucinogens
PLANTS : Cannabis : Identifying Male Cannabis Plants
Fri Mar 20, 1998 #
HERBS : Datura : Brugmansia aurea
HERBS : Datura : Brugmansia candida
HERBS : Datura : Brugmansia sanguinea
HERBS : Datura : Brugmansia suaveolens
HERBS : Datura : Brunfelsia pilosa
HERBS : Datura : Datura fastuosa
HERBS : Datura : Datura inoxia
HERBS : Datura : Datura stramonium
HERBS : Datura : Datura FAQ
HERBS : Datura : Belladonna Like Substances
HERBS : Datura : Identification of Datura, Belladonna, Brugmansia and Brunfelgia varieties
HERBS : Datura : The Solanaceae Family
HERBS : Datura : Datura in Magic and Medicine
Tue Mar 17, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Experience #8
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : FAQ
HERBS : Belladonna : Belladonna-Like Substances
HERBS : Datura : Datura in Magic and Medicine
HERBS : Datura : The Solanaceae Family (Datura, Belladonna, Brugmansia, Brunfelgia)
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : DEA Watched List of Chemicals
Mon Mar 16, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Experience #7
HERBS : Nutmeg : New Vault
Tue Mar 10, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Heroin : Article #4
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Mushrooms and Drug Tests
Tue Mar 3, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Law
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Law
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Tea Ritual
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Psilocybin and Heat
Mon Mar 2, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #1
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #2
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #3
CHEMICALS : Ibogaine : Abstract #5
Sun Mar 1, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : A Primer of Drug Action
LIBRARY : Books : The Enlightened Mind
Sat Feb 28, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Recipe #1
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Recipe #2
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Abstract #1 on Creative Behavior and the Use of Psychedelics
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Abstract #2 on Psychotherapeutic Drug Discoveries
PSYCHOACTIVES : Writings : Abstract #3 on Hallucinogens and the Internet
Wed Feb 25, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Caffeine : Material Safety Data Sheet #2
CHEMICALS : Mescaline : Preparing San Pedro
PSYCHOACTIVES : Prohibition Sites Reviewed
Mon Feb 23, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : DOB : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : DOB : Experience #2
Tue Feb 17, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Myth about Foster's Beer
CHEMICALS : LSD : Myth about Permanent Presence
ENTHEOGENS : Entheogenic Influences
ENTHEOGENS : Integrating Entheogenic Experiences
Thu Feb 12, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-B : Effects
CHEMICALS : Alcohol : Effects
PLANTS : Cannabis : Effects
Sun Feb 8, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Amphetamines : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : DXM : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : Nitrous : Chemistry
CHEMICALS : Opiates : Chemistry
PLANTS : Kava : Chemistry
PSYCHOACTIVES : Added Merck index information to each of the Entheogen Chemistry
Fri Feb 6, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Online Books - The Essential Psychedelic Guide
PSYCHOACTIVES : Effects - Time charts of effects for various entheogens
Wed Feb 4, 1998 #
CULTURE : Science and Medicine
Tue Feb 3, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Review : Review of 'The Secret Chief'
LIBRARY : Writings : PiHKAL
Sat Jan 31, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : MAOIs : Common Side Effects with MAOIs
CHEMICALS : MAOIs : Foods to Avoid with MAIOs
CHEMICALS : MAOIs : Drugs to Avoid with MAIOs
CHEMICALS : MAOIs : The Interactions between Hallucinogens and Antidepressants
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Magic Mushroom Growers Guide v3.2
Tue Jan 27, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Pacific Mythology
Mon Jan 26, 1998 #
Finally got caught up on all the known reciprocal links
LIBRARY : Books : Religion and the Decline of Magic
LIBRARY : Books : Dead Sea Scrolls
LIBRARY : Books : The Language of the Goddess
Sun Jan 25, 1998 #
Thu Jan 22, 1998 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Federal Controlled Substance Analog Act of 1986
Tue Jan 13, 1998 #
LIBRARY : Books : Shamanic Voices
LIBRARY : Books : The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
Sat Jan 10, 1998 #
Fri Jan 9, 1998 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : FAQ
PLANTS : Cacti : San Pedro Potency FAQ